Powerpoint Jeopardy LandformsWaterNatural Resources WeatherClimates
This theory explains how forces within the planet create land forms
Approximately 200 years Ago all the modern continents Were part of this supercontinent
These are places where rocks Have been compressed into bends
One is the process of rocks breaking and decaying over time. The other is the movement of surface material from one location to another.
One is fan- shaped deposit of mud and gravel often found along bases of mountains. The other is an elevated flatland that rises sharply above nearby land.
Salt in ocean water can be removed through this process.
Any smaller stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river.
This surface water feature is found where a river meets an inlet, or small arm, of the sea. They form good harbors example is NY and Seattle.
Any landscape that is covered with water for at least part of the year. Example is the Okavango.
The level at which all the spaces are filled with water.
The downward movement of minerals and humus in soils.
Farmers can control erosion by using this method of plowing that plows across the hill, thus slowing the movement of water.
The condition when soil becomes nearly useless for farming.
This is the depth of of rock layers where groundwater is most plentiful.
Some examples are: Hydroelectric power, Geothermal power, wind, and solar energy.
The condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
Some areas of the world have these types of winds that blow in the same direction most of the time.
The zone along the equator is calm with no prevailing winds. Also known as the “Horse Latitudes”.
This effect occurs when moist air pushes against a mountain. The air rises, cools and forms clouds/precipitation, leaving one side green and the other dry.
This Northward flowing ocean current, off the East Coast, is a good example of a warm current.
Areas of tropical grasslands, scattered trees, and shrubs. Found in Tropical Wet and Dry Climates
Permanently frozen soil that is found in Tundra Climates
The three microclimates found in the high latitudes.
The wind system, in which winds completely reverse direction and cause seasons of wet and dry weather
The three climates that are found throughout different latitudes, and are considered “non-specific”.