Scientific Visualization January 25, 2006 Open position Computer Technician in-store and on-site services represent the company in a professional manner
Agenda MSDNAA - should received from Microsoft that gives their passwords. Then connect to, or can link to that page from the CSCI academic departmental web page to download software. (note: Microsoft Office is not included in this software, though Access is) Review Homework - due tonight Brainstorm ideas for group project. Every person in the class should bring a storyboard (digital or paper - template) to next week’s class 1/25/06 for their groups’ 3 modules. In other words, 3 storyboards per student.template
Agenda Homework Read next two chapters in Tufte Quiz next week on Chapters 1-3 in Tufte. Particularly think about how Tufte can be applied in What is Haze and GUI applications.
Agenda Homework Individual homework assignment due next week: create a Flash animatic for one of the modules. Publish the flash file in HTML and SWF. File / Publish Settings Select the Formats tab. Check Flash and HTML and set file names to animatic.swf and animatic.html. Select the HTML tab. For dimensions, select Match Movie; for playback uncheck Loop; for quality, select High. Select Publish. Sftp the HTML and SWF files to your Sites directory (folder) on the mmas server. Test your link. where yourLogin is your login name.
Animatic This is equivalent to a rough draft. Poses, layout, and the soundtrack are put together on a timeline. This will give you a template from which to put together your animation. This defines the animation’s timing. Sample Animatics from CS/MMAS 310 Greg Bliss Greg Bliss Amanda Amanda Remember: 20 seconds of animation. Your animatic should be 20 seconds in length.
Getting Started in Flash Create a new Flash file. File / New Set document properties so that the stage size is 706x566 pixels. Modify / Document Set the background to some color other than white (so the clouds show). Use library from WhatIsHaze1Overview.fla File / Import / Open External Library