Human Resources Frame
Human Resource Assumptions Organizations exist to serve human needs People and organizations need each other When the fit between individual and system is poor, one or both suffer A good fit benefits both
The concept of human needs is controversial – needs are a product of both, nature and nurture
Maslow arranged human need according to a hierarchy
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y can be a self-fulfilling prophecy
Herzberg (2003) - One More Time, How Do We Motivate Employees? Push or pull is not want
Motivators: Lead to job satisfaction Hygiene factors: Do not motivate but reduce/eliminate dissatisfaction Opposite of job satisfaction is not job dissatisfaction but no job satisfaction
Motivators: Lead to job satisfaction Hygiene factors: Do not motivate but reduce/eliminate dissatisfaction Opposite of job dissatisfaction is not job satisfaction but no job dissatisfaction
Job enrichment or job enlargement?
Job Enrichment (Vertical Job Loading) PrincipleMotivators Involved Removing some controls while retaining accountabilityResponsibility, personal achievement Increasing accountability of individuals for own workResponsibility, recognition Giving a person a complete natural unit of work (module, division, area, and so on) Responsibility, recognition, achievement Granting additional authority to employees in their activity; job freedom Responsibility, recognition, achievement Making periodic reports directly available to the workers themselves rather than to supervisors Internal recognition Introducing new and more difficult tasks not previously handled Growth and learning Assigning individuals specific or specialized tasks, enabling them to become experts Responsibility, growth, advancement
Steps for Job Enrichment 1.Select jobs for which this makes sense 2.Approach with conviction that change is possible 3.Brainstorm changes – no limits 4.Screen suggestions for hygiene factors 5.Screen suggestions for generalities 6.Screen for job horizontal loadings 7.Set up controlled experiment 8.Be prepared for initial drop in performance 9.Expect first line supervisors to experience anxiety and hostility
E-to-P Expectancy P-to-O Expectancy Outcomes & Valences Outcome 1 + or - EffortPerformance Outcome 3 + or - Outcome 2 + or - Expectancy Theory of Motivation
Personal and Work Outcomes Core Job Dimensions Critical Psychological States The Job Characteristics Model Skill variety Task identity Task significance Experienced meaningfulness of the work Experienced responsibility for outcomes of the work Knowledge of the actual results of the work activities Autonomy Feedback High internal work motivation High-quality work performance High satisfaction with the work Low absenteeism and turnover Employee Growth Need Strength
Traditional management principles produce conflict between people and organizations
Charles Handy’s Shamrock Organizational changes the employment contract
Hire good people and treat them better = better performance
1. Build and Implement a Human Resource Philosophy 3. Hire the Right People 4. Keep Employees 5. Invest in Employees 6. Empower Employees Managing people is not easy…
Training and Organization Development are important
Argyris and Schoen’s theories in action explain patterns of interpersonal dynamics Model I Theory in Use
Advocacy HighAssertiveIntegrative LowPassiveAccommodating Inquiry
Personality - Big 5 Model – Extraversion (enjoying other people and seeking them out) – Agreeableness (getting along with others) – Conscientiousness (orderly, planful, hard-working) – Neuroticism (difficulty controlling negative feelings) – Openness to experience (preference for novelty and creativity)