Chapter 5, Mice and Men
Characterisation Lennie “Suddenly his anger rose, god damn you… why do you got to get killed, you ain’t so little as mice” pg. 96 This tells us about how quick Lennie’s mood can change, he’s unpredictable in the way he acts and feels. “He picked up the pup and hurled it from him, he turned his back on it”. Pg. 96 This quote tells us how strong Lennie is and how he acts like a child by sulking and turning away from the puppy after throwing a tantrum.
Characterisation Curley’s wife “ She wore her bright cotton dress and the mules with red ostrich feathers, her face was made up and the little sausage curls were all in place”. Pg. 97 This tells us that curley’s wife is quite feminine and girly. “I get lonely… you can talk to people but I can’t talk to nobody except for curley else he gets mad”. Pg. 98 This could also be a theme of loneliness, but curley's wife is expressing her sadness and true feelings towards Lennie because no one else will listen. “her face grew angry, what’s the matter with me she cried ain't I got a right to talk to nobody. Pg. 99 This is describing how curley's wife is upset by the fact that in that time there were no rights with women and they were treated as objects she is upset by the fact that in her world this is how her life is going to be, her reality.
Events “why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice.” (pg 96) This quote shows how Lennie is yet to learn his own strength and because of his constant immature actions he appears as a child “You didn’t put nothing over me about gettin’ his hand caught in a machine” (pg 97) Although Curley's wife is classed by sexist views she is actually a very smart person despite what is said about her “You let go!” Lennie kills Curley's wife accidently after he stroked her hair t hard and she started to scream. So then he covered her mouth to try and stop her but snapped her neck in the process
Themes - Loneliness (pretty much every character is lonely) the mice and puppies were a symbol for death, the rabbits were a symbol for the American d ream Dreams and reality George seem to tell candy that their dream to buy a small farm house is over. “I think I knowed from the first. I think I knowed we’d never do her” pg.107
Setting “The Great Barn” pg.95 “piled high with new hay… four-taloned Jackson fork suspended from a pulley …feeding racks were visible” “quiet and humming and lazy and warm”
Symbols Puppy, killed “ Lennie said softly to the puppy ‘why do you have to get killed’ (pg. 96) He doesn’t understand what he did wrong Rabbits, his reason to try and be good “Now George aint gonna let me tend the rabbits if he fin’s out you got killed” (pg. 96) Mice, Lennie thinks the only reason he kills the mice it is small he doesn’t realise his own strength. “Why do you got to get killed? You aint so little as a mice” Curley's wife pg 97, Very lady like “ Cotton dress and the mules with the ostrich feathers.” Pg 97 She tries to bcome closer to then Lennie when George isn’t around to tell Lennie off, “ I don’t know why I cant talk to you. I ain't doing no harm to you” Pg103, Curley's wife lets Lennie pet her hair but Lennie starts to become aggressive, “Then Lennie grew angry” Curley's wife “ Eyes were wild with terror” “ Then she was still… Lennie had broken her neck”