The required textbook for this course is Discovering the Universe 7/e by Neil Comins (©2006, W.H. Freeman & Company)
A FREE Web site accompanies the book. The site is a good way to get help with the course content.
You can use: online quizzing flashcards animations software modules videos These resources help visualize and check your understanding of the material
You have the option of purchasing an eBook for $ It contains the same content as the text, but in an interactive format. To learn more or purchase the eBook, go to the book’s Web site and click the eBook link.
If your textbook was packaged with an eBook access code, you can redeem it at the Web site: 1.Simply click the “eBook” link on the site 2.On the next page, click “register.” 3.Fill out the information and you’re ready to go. * Be sure to hold on to the access card until you redeem it.
Starry Night The book also comes with a copy of Starry Night Enthusiast which is a software package that simulates the entire universe.
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