Slide 1 ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade MEXICAN STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM presented by Rodolfo Consuegra Deputy Director of the National Standardization System Economy Ministry, Mexico
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 2 MEXICAN STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM Agenda Item 1 Mexico´s System Item 2 International Affairs Item 3 Development of the Mexican Standardization System Item 4 Tendency
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 3 MEXICO´S SYSTEM
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 5 METROLOGY AND STANDARDIZATION FEDERAL LAW EVOLUTION Before 1992 After 1992 From 1997 Federal Government Standardization Conformity Assessment Accreditation Private sector Standardization Conformity Assessment Tests Calibration Verification Private sector AccreditationEMA (1999)
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 6 - Interior (SG): Civil protection. - Social Development (SEDESOL): Social housing. - Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT). - Energy (SENER): Gas, Nuclear protection, Electric installations and Energy responsable use. - Commerce and Industry (SE): consumer safety and protection. - Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Country Development, Fishery and Alimentation (SAGARPA): responsible fishing, phytosanitary and zoosanitary measures. MINISTRIES ENTITLED TO ELABORATE TECHNICAL REGULATIONS (NOM)
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 7 - Communications and Transportations (SCT): Telecomunications, radio communications, aerial, terrestrial and maritime transport. - Health (SSA): Disease prevention. - Labor and Social Safety (STPS); Safety in labor areas. - Tourism (SECTUR): Tourist activity. MINISTRIES ENTITLED TO ELABORATE TECHNICAL REGULATIONS (NOM)
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 8 NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION BODIES - Sociedad Mexicana de Normalización y Certificación, S.C. (NORMEX): Food, beverages, containers, construction products, furnishing, chemical, petrochemical, cardboard, paper. - Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación A.C. (IMNC): Quality systems, tourism, metrology, environment administration, levels, graphic arts, labor health and security systems. - Asociación Nacional de Normalización y Certificación del Sector Eléctrico (ANCE): Electric products, electric installations.
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 9 - Normalización y Certificación Electrónica (NYCE): Electronics and telecommunications. - Organismo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de la Construcción y Edificación (ONNCCE): Construction products. - Instituto Nacional de Normalización Textíl (INNTEX): Clothing and fibers. - Consejo para el Fomento de la Calidad de la Leche y sus Derivados (COFOCALEC): Dairy products. NATIONAL STANDARDIZATION BODIES
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 10 SOME RESULTS OF SUCH DIVISION -Government doesn´t regulate quality, focuses specially in security, safety, environment and product effectiviness mandatory technical regulations. - Private National Standardization Bodies can participate with more feasibility in international forums and have been elaborating a great number of standards (currently 5745).
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 11 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 12 Economy Ministry Mexican Accreditation Entity Certification Bodies, Laboratories, Verification Units INDUSTRY STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM AUTHORIZED ACCREDITES CERTIFICATES, TESTS VERIFCATES
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 13 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD DEFINITION Article 3, fraction X-A of the Metrology and Standardization Federal Law defines a International Standard as: “Standard, guideline or normative document issued by a international standardization organization or other related international organization, which are recognized by the mexican government in terms of international law”
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 14 THE MEXICAN COMMITTEES FOR INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Auxiliar bodies for the participation, elaboration, proposals atention and document analisis and technical affairs related to the international organisms standardisation activity CMISO Mexican committee for ISO attention CEM Mexican Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) CMCODEX Mexican Codex Alimentarius Committee
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 15 INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS FOR MEXICO CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS If the Economy Ministry considers that a technical regulation project opposes a International Treaty, she may ask for its modification. Technical regulations and standards must take into account international standards in its elaboration and reviewing processes If international standards are not taken into account, this must be justified to the Economy Ministry The level of armonizaton must be expressed in the regulation text
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 16 CONCORDANCE OF TR’s AND STD’s WITH INTERNATIONAL STD’s -Currently all of the National Standardization Consultive Committees and National Standardization Bodies have created work groups that will inform THE Economy Ministry the exact figures of the grade of concordance that the national TR’s and Std’s have with International Standards. - And as a result, it will be seeked to harmonize in those areas where new international standards have been recently developed.
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 17 FOREIGN STANDARDS DEFINITION Mexico considers a foreign standard as the technical regulation or standard issued by a government different from the mexican or by their national standardization bodies.
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 18 DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEXICAN STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 20 TECHNICAL REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS QUINQUENNIAL REVIEW PROCESS In order to have a modern and efficient standardization system, all TR’s and Std’s that have five or more years of application are undergoing a review process, so it may be determined which regulations are obsolete, need modifications or will just be ratified.
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 21 Due to ammendments in the Adquisitions, Leasings and Services Federal Law and it´s Rules, and in accordance with Metrology and Standardization Federal Law, it´s required that in all contracting procedures Ministries and Agencies must require the compliance with technicla regulations, standards, and in the absence of this with international standards, or if applicable with government procurement standards. GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 22 GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT RESULTS: - Transparency in the procedures. -Better acknowledgment of the standardization system. -Reliable products and services are acquired or leased.
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 23 The main objectives of this program are: - Avoid conflicts between the competent authorities in charge of the development and surveillance enforcement. - Assure the availability of inspection and conformity assessment bodies. - Identify in time standardization requirements -Seek that the goods and services acquired by the government comply with the applicable regulations. -Action planification. STANDARDIZATION STRATEGIC PROGRAM
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 24 SELECTED QUALITY OFFICIAL BRAND - Provides a clear differentiation of Mexican agricultural products by it's selected quality - Voluntary scheme - Certification realized by accredited and approved certification bodies - Product quality is elevated and incorporates new products to the export market
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 25 TENDENCY
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 26 MEXICO - USA -Maintain the current high level of colaboration: NAFTA STANDARDIZATION RELATED MEASURES COMMITTEE USTR COMMERCE NIST PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS BUSINESS
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 27 THE ROAD TO FOLLOW Elaboration of standards and regulations that will encourage business facilitation, obviously, considering the TBT agreement; Maintain as a high level priority, the participation of all the interested sectors from any part of the world, in standardization activities.
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 28 STANDARDIZATION DIRECTON Regulate by objectives, not by sectors
ANSI Annual Conference 2002 Breaking Down Border: Business, Standards and Trade Slide 29 - We should work in developing joint activities and common policies further. - Share expertise and experience. - Consult and exchange views on policies and activities. - Promote sustainable growth. - Elaborate measures to increase economic growth. - Pick up a global activity. - Promote macro economic stability. THE GOAL