Cartographers must: 1. select the objects to be shown 2. evaluate their relative importance 3. find some way to simplify their form. Cartographers are limited by: 1. the purpose of the map 2. its scale 3. the methods to produce it 4. the accuracy of the data.
Aesthetics vs. conformality or equivalence Political considerations (size vs. importance) Website to discuss maps, mapmaking or related topics such as GIS, remote sensing and photogrammetry:
Small Scale Large Scale
a) Scale b) Density c) Region d) Resolution e) Projection d) Resolution - generally large-scale maps have a great resolution.
Mapping cycling rides around Toronto 2004 to 2009 using GPS TTC Weekday Movement Ork Posters
Information to be mapped is shown in a summary form e.g. USA elections Gore Bush McCain Obama 2000 Election Results 2008 Election Results Presidential elections by county and by state
Reference Maps CIA World Factbook: world-factbook/docs/refmaps.htmlhttps:// world-factbook/docs/refmaps.html Choropleth Maps (shading, colouring or placement of symbols) Isoline Maps (uses lines) Proportional Symbol Maps Dot Maps Mental Maps
003/figures/ eng.htm
Connect points of equal atmospheric pressure
al.frostburg.e du/kebachtel 0/square%20 map.jpg
AP exam Free Response Question based on a Cartogram: Shown above is a special type of graphic used by geographers. 1. Identify the type of graphic by name. 2. What qualities does it have that qualify it as a graph? 3. What qualities would qualify it as a map?
United Kingdom Department for communities and local government. s/images/Statistical%20Maps%20- %20Best%20Practice%20v5_tcm pdf s/images/Statistical%20Maps%20- %20Best%20Practice%20v5_tcm pdf