Page 1 WP10.2: TA DESY- II Test Beam Facility AIDA-2020 First Annual Meeting Norbert Meyners, Marcel Stanitzki, Natalia Potylitsina-Kube DESY
Page 2 DESY II Test Beam Facility Layout Three test beam lines Electron or positron beam from 1-6 GeV (spread: ~5%) Beam Generation: DESY II beam converted into bremsstrahlung at carbon fiber targets Converter target: e - / e + Magnet to select particle type and momentum Rates up to several kHz depends on beam line, energy, target material, collimator setting
Page 3 Test Beam availability DESY-II synchrotron ~ 99 % uptime during schedules runs Beam structure 1 MHZ clock/ Magnet cycle 12.5 Hz (accelerating from 450 MeV to 6.3 GeV) 1 bunch per fill (30 ps) Interruption during Extraction for Petra (every min – several min) Otherwise almost DC beam (no spill structure)
Page 4 General infrastructure All three test beam lines have Interlock systems Magnet control Patch panels with pre-installed cables Gas warning systems Fast Internet (1000/100 Mbit) connection (DHCP) The user can get Translation stages Premixed gases They have to bring Data acquisition incl. computers Trigger scintillators (except T24/1) During the shutdown Complete overhaul of beam diagnostics in DESY-II Tunnel New Gas Safety System Laser Alignment System in each area New cabling
Page 5 Unique Infrastructures at DESY 2 Pixel Beam Telescopes in TB21 and TB22 Hardware, trigger, reconstruction software 6 MAPS pixel planes, 1x2 cm2 3 μm resolution, trigger rates up to 3 kHz Second telescope available from October 2014 Magnets 1 T superconducting solenoid with 85 cm inner radius in TB24/1(mounted on movable stage) Big dipole (1.3T) in TB 21
Page 6 Current Status Beam since March 2016 Smooth start-up; 9,5 months of beam in 2016 is planned and test beam time is nearly completely scheduled till the end of the year Till now: 26 Test Beam Weeks thereof 7,5 in frame of AIDA-2020!
Page 7 Run 2016: Infrastructure & Collaboration requests
Page 8 User statistics over DESY II facilities 2016
Page 9 User statistics over DESY II facilities DESY Test Beam Users from 15 affiliations countries in 2016
Page 10 AIDA-2020 DESY TA-projects: current status vs target Transnational access to DESY II: Min. quantity of access to be provided: 8,400 Estimated number of users: 120 Estimated number of days spent at the infrastructure:11,7 per project Estimated number of projects: 30 TOTAL direct costs for users support in WP10.2 TA DESY: ,00 EUR or ~875EUR/per TA user Selected TA- projects Users supported Units of access (TB week-hour =7days with 24 hours) Planned in AIDA ,400 or 50 Test Beam weeks (with 24 hours for 7days) Thereof non EU-groupsUp to 20% of 8,400 = 1,680 or 10 Test Beam weeks Current status : 444 (34 will receive or received financial support) ~ 2,000 of access units Thereof non EU-groups:16672 of access units
Page 11 Some highlights 2016 At the moment: TA video shooting for the AIDA 2020 Transnational Access - Facility Videos Belle II vertex detector collaboration: Test Beam measurements at DESY with AIDA-2020 TA support has been very successfully performed (first non- EU group supported in frame of TA) DESY Test Beam: strong support by the lab management Chart created by Dr. Carlos Marinas (BELLE II)
Page 12 Summary DESY - II Test Beam Facility runs smoothly: technically as well as administratively Respond to negative feedback concerning very long reimbursement processing time: Starting from this year we offer Test Beam- users a possibility to apply for a “pre- payment” to avoid a long processing time usually needed to complete a reimbursement Despite the slower start we are in line with the original plan (in terms of number of users and provided access units). The small number of projects is caused by the shutdown and by the fact, that many users groups had not eligible constellations: either too many Germans or non-EU At least 5 further TA-projects are expected this year