Subplot Information National Manual Version 1.55 Section 4.0
New Level of Information Most items are not new, just relocated here Significant addition: Invasive Exotic Pest Plants
Subplot Number 1Center subplot 2North subplot 3Southeast subplot 4Southwest subplot
Subplot Center Condition Record the number of the condition at subplot center
Microplot Center Condition New item Microplot is off-set 12.0 feet at 90 degrees
Subplot Condition List Maximum of four conditions on any individual subplot Record the Condition Number of each condition on the subplot
Subplot Slope and Aspect Record angle of slope across the subplot Only recorded on subplots that have at least one accessible forest condition
Snow/Water Depth New item Record depth of snow or water on the subplot Record the decimal point (tenths of feet) Used to indicate subplots where some variables may be measured with less certainty (i.e. seedling count)
Invasive Exotic Pest Plants New item Record up to four exotic species on each subplot that has at least one accessible forest land condition If there are less than four species on a subplot, can record presence of exotics off, but near, the subplot If you happen to see it while completing other work around subplot (tree lengths, etc.) Don’t do an exhaustive search off the subplot
Invasive Exotic Pest Plant Percent Coverage New item Record percent coverage of the subplot 1Trace < 1% 21-10% % 4>50% 5Exotic plant is found in the forest around, but not on the subplot
Invasive Exotic Pest Plant Percent Coverage One percent cover of the subplot is equivalent to: 4.2 ft x 4.2 ft square 2.4 ft radius circle Ten percent cover of the subplot is equivalent to: 13.4 ft x 13.4 ft square 7.6 ft radius circle Only consider the exotic plants on the accessible forest land conditions on the subplot. But use the entire subplot as the denominator.
The End