IMAC Judging Seminar J-101/30/2010Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Aresti System Families 1 – – Family 1 – Lines & Angles Family 2 – Turns & Rolling Turns Family 3 – Combinations of Lines Family 5 – Hammerheads Family 6 – Tail Slides Family 7 – Loops Family 8 – Combinations of Lines, Loops, & Rolls Family 9 – Rotational Elements
IMAC Judging Seminar J-2Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 1- Lines and Angles Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-3Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria 0 points - centered 1 point - visible variation 2 points - 2:1 variation 3 points - greater than 2:1 variation 4 points – no line before OR after roll {no line before AND after roll –2 points only} Family 1 (Continued) Deductions for roll elements on lines 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-4Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Radii need NOT be equal -- NO downgrade if not equal. Lines judged on flight path, - ½ point per 5°. If present, rolls must be centered, - 1 to - 4 points max. Exit altitude may be higher or lower than entry altitude. Enter / Exit radii, line lengths Family 1 (Continued) a <> b <> c 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-5Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Review Track (Heading) deviation. Roll elements centered. Distinct horizontal lines between figures. Figure part loops do NOT have to be same radius. Cumulative grading criteria of each component. Any deviation of 90° or more will result in a zero. Family 1- (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-6Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Length of lines is NOT a grading criterion. Size of loops and part loops is NOT a grading criterion. Family 1- (Continued) Review, continued 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-7Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 2 - Turns and Rolling Turns Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-8Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Minimum bank angle of 60°, maximum of 90°. Roll first, turn to heading, roll back to horizontal. (Bank then yank). Rate of roll in determines rate of roll out: - 1 point per error. Constant rate of turn: - 1 point per variation. Constant altitude: - ½ point per 5°. More***refer to the Flying & Judging Guide for complete criteria Family 2- Turns & Rolling Turns Turns 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-9Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Constant rate of roll: - 1 point per occurrence. No stoppage: - 1 point per occurrence. Constant rate of turn: - 1 point per occurrence. Constant altitude : - ½ point per 5°. In opposite rolls, roll must be completed before reversal. Minimal pause, as in hesitation rolls, between opposite rolls. Correct number and direction of rolls --- Zero if incorrect. Rolling Turns Family 2- (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-10Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 3 – Combination of Lines Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-11Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Part loop radii must be equal. - Loop Rules apply Lines within the figure must be equal in length. Lines judged on flight path: - ½ point per 5° Family 3 - Combination of Lines 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-12Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 5 – Hammerheads (Stall Turns) Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-13Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Radii of 1/8 & ¼ loops must be the same and constant. - Loop Rules apply Track up and down must be vertical, wind corrected: - ½ point per 5° Lines before and after any rolls must be equal: - 1 to -4 points max. per line Any pendulum movement observed after the pivot is subject to downgrade using the (½) point per (5°) rule. Family 5 - Hammerheads ( Stall Turns ) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-14Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 5 - (Continued) Aircraft should pivot no farther away than the wingtip while maintaining a vertical plane: - ½ point per 5° for “torquing off” the top (>90° = zero) Zero if aircraft “flops”, Zero if “flyover” (Going up/horizontal +4 wingspans), Zero if any visible backward movement prior to pivot - aircraft “slides.” Length of line is NOT a grading criterion. Entry and exit altitude can be different. Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-15Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar - From level flight, aircraft establishes wind- corrected vertical line - As the aircraft approaches the stall, transitions to perfectly vertical in the PITCH axis - During pivot, only yaw should be present, and the aircraft may be displaced due to wind (no downgrade) - Immediately after completing the turnaround and establishing flying speed, wind correction is reapplied - Aircraft pulls out to level with same radius as entry radius Wind Considerations Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-16Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Family 5 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-17Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar New Hammerheads adapted in 2007 by CIVA & FAI, and NOW currently in use in IMAC. Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-18Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 6 – Tail slides Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-19Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria ¼ loop radii must be equal and constant. - Loop Rules apply. Track up and down must be vertical: - ½ point per 5° Lines before and after any rolls must be equal: - 1 to -4 points max. per line Aircraft must slide backwards a visible amount. Zero the figure if no backward movement (watch the tail) always give the competitor the benefit of the doubt. Family 6 - Tailslides 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-20Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 6 - (Continued) Aircraft must fall in right direction (wheels up/dn). -Zero if wrong direction Aircraft must fall with wings level in correct plane - ½ point per 5° No downgrade for pendulum after slide. (However aircraft must re-establish vertical downline) Same entry/exit altitude is NOT a grading criterion Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-21Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Wind Considerations Downwind Tailslide Horizontal wind drift away from the judge can appear as backwards slide, even if none is present due to a change in viewing angle Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-22Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Upwind Tailslide Wind drift towards the judge can actually hide a true backwards displacement if the viewing angle changes very little from the judge’s perspective Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-23Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Half Loops (7.1.x x) Immelman (7.2.1.x) Split S (7.3.3.x) Any perpendicular displacement: -½ point per 5° Any variation in radius: -1 point per occurrence Any Roll displacement (other than during a roll element on the loop): -½ point per 5° of roll Flight path without any radius (straight line or “flat spot”): - 1 point per occurrence If rolls are present, there must be no visible line between the start/end of loop and roll: -2 point if visible line, could be zeroed at judges discretion if appears as two separate maneuvers. Family 7 - Loops & Eights 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-24Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Loops ( ) All loop rules apply as in previous page. Must appear perfectly round; begin and end at the same altitude. If there is displacement perpendicular to the flight line - ½ point per 5°. Radius must be constant. Radius changes: -1 point / occurrence. **If rolls are present, must be centered at apex. ** -2 points if flown on a line (not in radius). Family 7 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-25Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Hesitation Loops ( ) (Square, Diamond & Octagon) Must begin and end at the same altitude. 90° and 45° lines are judged on track: - ½ point per 5° All radii must be constant and equal: -1 point for error All line segments must be equal length. The first line sets the standard. If rolls are present, they must be centered on the line: - 1 point for visible variation; -2 point for 1:2 error, -4 maximum. Family 7 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-26Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Must appear perfectly round and of the same size: - 1 point for visible error, -1 point for each radii change. Must begin and end at the same altitude. Wind corrected (Vertical plane): -½ point per 5° error. Wings level: - ½ point per 5°. Rolls, if present, must be centered at the apex with no line before or after the roll: - 2 points for visible line before or after. Vertical 8'S ( ) Family 7 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-27Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar All radii, including entry and exit radii, must be the same. - All loop rules apply. Length of 45° lines is NOT a grading criterion. Any rolls on 45° lines must be centered: - 1 point for visible variation, etc. (length of line/roll criteria) 45° lines are judged on track: - ½ point per 5° Partial 8’s (Goldfish) ( ) Family 7 - (Continued) Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-28Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria All radii, including entry and exit radii, must be the same. - All loop rules apply. Any rolls on 45° lines must be centered. - 1 point for visible variation; -2 point for 1:2 error. - 4 Maximum. 45° lines are judged on track. - ½ point per 5° Entry and exit altitude MUST be the same. Horizontal 8'S ( ) Family 7 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-29Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Family 7.31 – 7.38: Combination 8’s (Double Goldfish) Contain Three 45 degree lines (which can have rolls). 45 degree lines can be of different lengths. Entry/Exit Radii equal to ¾ loop radii. The two ¾ loops need NOT occur at the same altitude, nor is there any relationship between the entry/exit altitudes and the altitude limits of the ¾ loops. Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-30Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Humpty Bumps Figure Nines Tear Drops Half Cubans Multiple Looping Combinations Family 8 - Combination Lines, Angles, Loops contains: Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-31Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Only Entry and exit partial loop radii must be the same. -Loop rules apply ½ loop must be round (not flopped over). Entry and exit altitude need NOT be the same. Rolls must be centered on the line(s). - 1 point for visible variation; -2 point for 1:2 error. Etc. Altitude is NOT a grading criterion. 90° & 45° lines are judged on track. - ½ point per 5° Humpty Bumps ( ) Family 8 - Combination Lines, Angles, Loops 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-32Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria 1/8 loop and 5/8 loop must have same radius. - Loop rules apply If present, rolls must be centered on the 45° line. - 1 point for visible variation; -2 point for 1:2 error. Etc. 90° & 45° lines are judged on track: - ½ point per 5° If rolls are present, there must be no visible line between the start/end of loop and roll: -2 point if visible line, more if line is extended and could be Zeroed at judges discretion. Entry and exit altitude need NOT be the same. Reverse Half Cuban( ) Half Cuban ( ) Family 8 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-33Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Radii of 3/4 & 1/4 loops must be equal. Radii of 1/8 & 5/8 loop must be equal. - Loop rules apply If roll is present on a 90° or 45° line, it must be centered. - 1 point for visible variation; -2 point for 1:2 error, 4 points max. If roll is present, on a horizontal line, there must be no visible line between the start/end of loop and roll, -2 point if visible line, - more if line is extended and could be Zeroed at judges discretion. Entry and exit altitude will NOT be the same on Figure 9’s. Figure 9’s ( ) Teardrops ( ) Family 8 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-34Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Multiple looping combinations( & ) Family 8 - (Continued) Radii of “JOINED” Multiple part loops must be equal. Radii of “EXIT” ¼ loop need not match. - Loop rules apply NO LINE between “JOINED” loops: 2 point deduction if visible line. Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-35Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria The rate of roll must be constant: - 1point per occurrence Aircraft must maintain heading and prescribed plane and direction of flight during the roll: - ½ point per 5° Aircraft must stop precisely after stated number of rotations: - ½ point per 5° Linked rolls must be flown as one continuous figure. Unlinked and opposite rolls must have a brief, minimal pause between the rolls. Rolls and Point Rolls ( ) Family 9 - Rolls & Spins 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-36Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Roll rate is NOT a grading criterion (No 3 second rule) An over / under rotation of greater than 90° will be zeroed. No stoppage if (9.1.x) - zero if can be considered a hesitation roll. Hesitation for points should be distinct. Rate of roll & the rhythm of the points MUST be constant: - 1 point if different; zero if absent Nose must roll on a point, not describe a circle (barreling). - ½ point per 5° Family 9 - (Continued) Rolls and Point Rolls ( ) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-37Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Nose must depart flight path in the correct direction. - Zero if either no pitch observed or pitch in wrong direction Autorotation must be initiated. - Zero if no autorotation, roll is barreled or “aileronned” Snap Rolls ( ) Family 9 - (Continued) Positive Snap- Pitch toward Canopy Negative Snap- Pitch toward Gear 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-38Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Aircraft must Stall wings level. - Zero for no stall (aileroning or snapping) - ½ point per 5° if wings not level on entry. Track and Altitude maintained before stall. - ½ point per 5° of track or altitude change. Nose & wing should simultaneously drop in spin direction: -½ point per 5° for error. Aircraft must auto-rotate during spin (no spiral dive). Aircraft must establish 90° down-line after spin. -½ point per 5° for error Spins ( ) Family 9 - (Continued) 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-39Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Omitting a programmed figure. Flying a figure that deviates from the Aresti. Adding a figure to the program except when necessary to reposition (Break Penalty will be assessed) BREAK in the sequence. (Disorientation etc) Flying a figure in wrong direction (X-axis). Y-axis is non directional. Cumulative deviation on roll, pitch or yaw axis > 90°. Any maneuver flown, even partially, behind the deadline. Hammerhead fly over – pivot > 4 wingspans No stall (break) in snap rolls No stall on spin entry Mechanical Zeros 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-40Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Judges should not communicate to each other during a sequence. It is OK to confer about a maneuvers, just remember, you do not have to agree on zeros (0). If you miss a maneuver or a part of maneuver, after the sequence, use other judge’s score. If both judges miss a maneuver then the pilot is asked to re-fly that maneuver, but the pilot must fly the preceding maneuver before flying the missed maneuver. Judging Criteria 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar Judging Criteria Scale Aerobatics Judging SeminarJ-41 No Aerobatics prior to entering the Aerobatic Airspace. (Only basic turnaround figures). Breaks - Pilot repositions and resumes with the next figure in sequence. figure is zeroed. Break Penalty assessed on exit in wrong direction or 180° deviation in roll. Dead Sticks – Remainder of sequence Zero unless unusual circumstance. (Contest Jury, CD, etc.) Procedural Items 01/30/2010
IMAC Judging Seminar J-42Scale Aerobatics Judging Seminar Must prepare – review / know the sequence. Have a scribe – the seq. is probably unusual to you & you shouldn’t look away to write scores. If in Adv or Unlit’d. a knowledgeable scribe can call the Aresti for you – again, avoid looking away from aircraft. If judging above “your” class, guard against the halo bias. Don’t judge higher than your current judging capabilities. End of Judging Criteria Module Judging Criteria 01/30/2010