Start Chapter 5: Placing Type In An Image. Things we will learn in this chapter: Learn about type and how it is created. Change spacing and adjust baseline shift. Use the drop shadow style. Apply anti-aliasing to type. Modify type with the Bevel and Emboss style. Apply special effects to type using filters. Create text on a path.
Exercise #1: Create A Path And Add Type: Import the chapter 5 files from the S drive to your favorites in the PS bridge. Open 5-1.psd and save it as books in your H drive. Displays the rulers in pixels. Click the default Foreground and Background Colors button. Click on the horizontal type tool. Set the font to Arial, then Italics. Center the text, change the font size to 24. Place the text just below the gold leaf, on the brown spine at 160X/130Y. Type World, then press shift + enter, type Atlas.
Exercise #2: Change Type Color Using Image Color: Press ctrl A. Set the font to Times New Roman, and Bold. Click the set text color box, use the eyedropper tool to select the color of the letter T. Click the Commit any current edits button. Exercise #3: Change the background color using the eyedropper to: Highlight the World Atlas layer. Click the horizontal type tool. Click the toggle the character and paragraph on the options bar. Click between the o and r in Worlds.
Exercise #3 Cont’d: Set the kerning between two characters list arrow to -25. Do this again between the a and t in Atlas. Commit to the current edits. Exercise #4: Shift The Baseline: Double click the layer thumbnail on the Oct text layer, then use the horizontal type tool to select the O. Click the set text color button, click anywhere on the maroon area of the World Atlas. Change the font size to 45, set the baseline shift to -5. Commit to the changes, click the Toggle the Character and Paragraph palettes button.
Exercise #5: Adding Drop Shadow: Click the Tales text layer. Click the Add a layer style button Fx on the layers palette, click Drop Shadow. Exercise #6: Modify Drop Shadow Settings: Change the angle text to 120. Set the distance to 8, click OK. Exercise #7: Apply anti-aliasing: Double click the layers thumbnail on the Tales layer. Set the anti-aliasing method list arrow to “Strong”. Commit to the changes. Exercise #8: Undo anti-aliasing: Click window, workspace, legacy. Click the Edit Type Layer state and drag it to the trashcan.
Exercise #9: Add the Bevel and Emboss style with the Layer menu: Click the “of Worth” layer. Click layer, layer style, bevel and emboss, then click bevel and emboss. Exercise #10: Modify Bevel And Emboss Settings: Set Angle Text to 163. Set the Altitude to 20. Exercise #11: Rasterize A Type Layer: Click the Learn to use type in Photoshop layer. Click Filter, Sharpen, Unsharp Mask. Click OK to rasterize the type layer.
Exercise #12: Modify Filter Settings: Drag the background pattern in the preview window until the type is visible. Drag the sliders of the Unsharp Mask to the following: Amount Text = 250 Radius Pixels = 6 Threshold Levels = 85 Click OK.
Exercise #13: Create A Path And Add Type: Click the rectangle tool and select the ellipse tool. Click the paths button. Drag the paths pointer to encircle the word “of” from 610 X / 190 Y tom 780 X / 240 Y. Click the horizontal type tool. Change the font Arial, bold, 20 pt, and left align. Click the horizontal type tool at approximately 620 X / 205 Y on the left edge of the ellipse. Change the font color by sampling the white of Worth type then type SAGAS. Commit the edits. Save and close.
Independent Exercises: Please complete the following: All of the skills review on page Project Builder 1 on page Project Builder 2 on page Please show each one to me after you have finished it. This will count as a daily grade.
Group Project: With a partner, create a collage of images that remind you of Halloween. Use at least one technique from each chapter. These will be displayed in the hallway. Insert your names on a path in the image. Do not print these out yet.
1.Define the following (2 points each): 1.Gamut – 2.Hue – 3.Saturation – 4.Brightness – 5.Color Separation – 2.Name the L*a*b model components. 3.What is the L*a*b model based on? 4.Name the components of the RGB model. 5.What is the RGB model based on? 6.What is the RGB model used for? 7. Name the CMYK components? 8. What is the CMYK model based on? 9. What is the HSB model based on? 10. Please complete the following: a.Open image 4-9 in Photoshop. b.You can import additional images if you would like. c.Sample one background color and one foreground color. Add them to the colors palette. d. Create a gradient fill to the background layer using the two colors you chose. e.Defringe the chocolate layer if needed.
Kick-Off: 7:30 Easley High School COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR GREEN WAVE!