International Telecommunication Union ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs ITU is the key official source for global ICT statistics
Big Data for Measuring the Information Society ◦Pursuing innovative ways to utilize big data as a new data source ◦Pilot studies in selected countries to produce new and policy-relevant ICT statistics with big data ◦Ultimately, the project will enable ICT policy makers and investors to take informed decisions based on timely ICT statistics and evidence.
Current ICT Indicators ITU currently collects ICT indicators covering fixed-telephone networks, mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions, quality of service, internet (including fixed- and mobile-broadband subscription data), traffic, staff, prices, revenue, investment and statistics on ICT access and use by households and individual Data is collected from two main sources: ◦National household surveys – collected usually by National Statistical Institutes (NSI) ◦National telecommunication indicators – collected usually by national ICT ministries, telecommunication regulators or NSIs
The Objective Demonstrate how big data can be used for ICT measurement – to produce new and existing ICT indicators to enhance data availability, benchmarks and methodologies to measure the information society
Big Data In this project we consider Big Data sources from telecom operators, Internet service providers, or any other data collectors who possess valuable residual data from the aspect of ICT
Benefits and Value For governments: ◦Complementing existing ICT indicators and creating new indicators allows ICT policy makers to make better decisions, set goals, track progress, and identify and overcome challenges ◦Producing timely data for efficient and fast policy making For data providers: ◦In-depth analyses of their market situation ◦Mapping the market potential ◦Identify gap in their service ◦Compare their service levels to the general situation ◦Innovation which can be used for commercial and internal purposes (new big data services) ◦Participate in development of new measurement standards for their own industry and use this knowledge for smarter investments and to influence government for investments (e.g. decrease rural/urban, geographical digital divide) This pilot project will benefit national governments and private sector by identifying new public-private partnership models in the area of big data
Pilot Studies’ Challenges Access to the data ◦Legal clearance (regulations) ◦Data protection (DPA) ◦Technical aspects ◦What source data are collected and available Processing and analysis of large data sets ◦Location of the processing ◦Methodology for processing, quality of the data and indicators What indicators can be calculated? ◦Is the data comparable nationally, internationally, over the time
ICT Indicators Currently, the discussion is still ongoing about the identification of the source data and respective indicators There are gaps in the current ICT indicators (no ICT indicators in PH household survey): ◦Proportion of individuals using the Internet (by age, gender, HH7) ◦Proportion of individuals using the Internet, by location (HH8) ◦Proportion of individuals using the Internet, by type of activity (HH9) ◦Proportion of individuals using a mobile phone (HH10) ◦Proportion of individuals owning a mobile phone (HH18) But we’ll look at some new indicators also, like: Geographical / regional; rural / urban differences on the access to mobile broadband ◦Population density and classification of the ◦GSM generation coverage maps (2G, 3G, LTE) ◦Geographically referenced CDR data about the calls/messaging/internet usage ◦CRM data with locations and technology
Project Details Project duration May 2016 – December 2016 ◦Engagement of partners & countries ◦Recruitment of experts ◦Negotiating with data providers ◦Development of pilot studies and big data analytics ◦Preparation of reports ◦Monitoring and evaluation
Pilot Countries 6 potential countries to conduct the pilot studies: the Philippines, Kenya, UAE, Georgia, Colombia, South-Korea
Country Pilot Studies Pilot studies serve as concrete examples of how big data from the ICT industry can be used and/or combined with existing official data (from ITU, from national statistical offices and regulators) to produce new statistics, benchmarks and methodologies to measure the information society Pilot Study ITU Stake- holders Statistical Office Telecom Regulator ICT Ministry … Data Providers Telecom operators ISP… Data Protection Agency
Roles of Different Stakeholders in the Country National Statistical Institutes ◦Philippine Statistics Authority – National statistics producer, methodology aspects, and additional statistical indicators based on big data Telecommunication regulator / ICT Ministry ◦Department of ICT – ICT statistics producer, local focal point for the project Data protection commission/agency ◦National Privacy Commission (NPC) – oversight on protection of privacy Telecom operators – data providers ◦Globe ◦Smart/PLDT Internet service providers – data providers ◦Globe ◦Smart/PLDT
Country Roadmap Engagement of the stakeholders, data providers, partners Getting commitment Accessing the data (legal, technical) Processing the data Analysing and evaluation of the results Combining and comparing the results with other countries
Project Results The expected results of the project are: ◦Concrete ICT indicators on each pilot country which could replace existing indicators or provide new insight on measuring the ICT ◦Methodology and description of the source data and calculation process for the indicators ◦Possibilities and limitations of the data source and indicators ◦Analytical and methodological elements related to the work carried out during the project Based on the pilot studies, further discussion about using such indicators globally will continue Presentation of the expected results: ◦EGH – Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators October 2016 ◦EGTI – Expert Group on Telecom/ICT Indicators Forum October 2016 ◦WTIS World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium November 2016
Margus Tiru Consultant project coordinator Esperanza Magpantay Senior Statistician, ITU ICT Data and Statistics Division Susan Teltscher Head of the ICT Data and Statistics Division ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau