PAKISTAN AND BANGLADESH Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
HISTORY 1 st civilization was in the Indus Valley (Pakistan) Ruled by multiple empires throughout the ages including the Mughal and British independence brought the Partition of British India creating Pakistan. Divided between East and West Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
EAST AND WEST PAKISTAN Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
West and East shared religion (Muslim), but had ethnic differences civil war East Pakistan won its independence and formed the country of Bangladesh. Helped by India. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
POLITICS Corruption, inefficiency, and military rule. Military rule failed economy and failed stability. Government can’t control the tribal regions along the Afghan border where there are Taliban linked militants. Split between Islamist militancy and modernizing secular (non religious) groups. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
Pakistan became strategically important after 9/11 to the United States’ “War on Terror.” Pakistan denied accusation of al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders in their tribal region and then Osama bin Laden was found there! Hurt relationship with the U.S. One of the deadliest countries in the world for journalism where media is strictly controlled. Filtered for blasphemy (anti-religious), anti-state or anti- military. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
KASHMIR REGION DISPUTE After independence from the British and the Partition the region of Kashmir got to decided which country they wanted to be a part of. Prince of Kashmir was Hindu and wanted to go with India; majority of people are Muslim and wanted to go with Pakistan. Region split 2/3 is India and 1/3 is Pakistan. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
GREEN-PAKISTAN, BLUE-INDIA, YELLOW-CHINA Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
Pakistan and India both have nuclear weapons and are on the brink of conflict Muslim extremists attacked India. India accuses Pakistan of not cooperating in the investigations. Pakistan Islamic country where instability lies with competing ethnic groups. U.S. continues drone strikes in areas where they believe there are Taliban training camps. Strikes are condemned by the UN and controversial. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
RELIGION Most people are Muslim in religion but different have ethnicities. Pakistan follows British law but is highly influenced by Sharia Law. The custom of purdah allows the seclusion of women in the rural areas (Taliban controlled). Blasphemy law death sentence if it is believed a person has dishonored Islam. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
PAKISTAN Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
BANGLADESH Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
One of the world’s most densely populated cities all crammed around the delta of the Bay of Bengal. Large, rapidly growing populations with low per capita incomes and poverty. one of the poorest countries in the world. Small rural farming is the biggest business. Bangladesh produces rice for export. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
Trying to diversify its economy with industry and manufacturing (clothes) which has led to bad working conditions a garment factory collapsed and killed 1,000 people! Political animosity exists between the main political parties which has resulted in violence throughout the years. Religious extremism has become a concern -- normally it is a moderate country. Government has outlawed two extremist groups. Bangladesh has been criticized for its treatment toward women and accusations that police use torture of people in custody. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
Life revolves around the family. Arranged marriages and large extended families. Most people live in small villages of simple homes. Poetry, music and dance are very popular. Bangladesh is a low lying country which faces flooding and rising sea levels. Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
BANGLADESH CITY STREETS Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013
BANGLADESH POVERTY Lindsey Barnes, Helena High -2013