Managing Quality & Risk Week 5 – 08 October Risk and People Module leader – Tim Rose
“You’re a liability!”
Module route map Semester 1Date (W/c)Content Week 107/09/2015Introduction to Module & Topic Week 214/09/2015The Properties of Risk Management Week 321/09/2015The Properties of Quality Management Week 428/9/2015Risk and Failure Week 505/10/2015Risk and People Week 612/10/2015Quality Monitoring and Controlling Processes 19/10/2015College closed for staff development 26/10/2014Reading week Week 702/11/2015Risk Management Systems [1] Week 809/11/2015Risk Management Systems [2] Week 916/11/2015Independent research Week 1023/11/2015Peer review Week 1130/11/20151:1 Tutorials Week 1207/12/2015Assignment workshop/ revision N/a11/01/2016Exam
Intended learning outcomes By the end this session you will: Explore the role and responsibility of the individual in respect to Quality Debate embedding philosophies, processes and practice within the culture of an organisation (and potential barriers) Relate prior learning to people management Discuss risk of change and successful factors in effective change management.
Key Phrases and Terminology associated with MQR
The Role and Responsibility of the Individual in Respect to Quality 1. List factors of individual responsibility in relation to Quality Management within your organisation 2. Write your points down on post-it notes…
Collection 1. Stick your post-it notes on the board… 2. What do the points have in common?
Commonality 1. Group your post-it note with others on the board in clusters… 2. What have you constructed?
Group activity a) Look back through your notes from the last five weeks b) What Quality Philosophies, Processes and Practices have you covered? c) How would you go about embedding these approaches within the culture of an organisation? d) Present your findings to the Module Group.
Risk of Change and Change Management “For many staff, change seems never-ending. They live in a perfect storm of technology advances and heightened expectations among customers… “Management knows that change is essential. Any organisation that hasn’t changed in five years is probably at risk of being outpaced by competitors or facing criticism from regulators.” [Sadgrove, p.355 (2015), The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management]
Employee’s strategies to obstruct change Find fault with the detail Develop an ‘us and them’ mentality Fail to engage Sabotage Be hostile towards colleagues. [Sadgrove, p (2015), The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management]
The Main Risks in Projects Not limited to: 1. Failure to define scope 2. Scope creep 3. Wishful thinking and budget failure 4. Management and governance failure 5. Project team staffing problems 6. Underestimating the complexity of the task 7. Optimism in timing 8. Failure to engage stakeholders and users 9. Partner delays and failings 10. The end product under- performs 11. Handover failure. [Sadgrove, p.319 (2015), The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management]
Potential Barriers What potential barriers can you predict in relation to your own audits?
Factors to Permit Successful Change 1. Recognise employees’ anxiety 2. Understand employees’ motivation – ‘What’s in for me’/ five equal concerns 3. Provide clear, unambiguous communication and leadership 4. Engage staff in finding solutions 5. Give employees some respite from constant change 6. Give staff a positive takeaway 7. Ensure that training includes active on-the-job practice and coaching. [Sadgrove, p (2015), The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management] Customer The company Team Me Society
Learning outcomes from this session Throughout this session you have: Explored the role and responsibility of the individual in respect to Quality Debated embedding philosophies, processes and practice within the culture of an organisation (and potential barriers) Related prior learning to people management and Quality Discussed risk of change and successful factors in effective change management.
Out of class activity Set SMART target(s) in relation to Assignment 1 Suggested reading: Sadgrove, K (2015) The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management Chapter 16: Minimising Project Risk Chapter 18: Risk is All About People.