Creation: God Gives Us Life Genesis 1 and 2 Thursday, July 07, 2016Thursday, July 07, 2016Thursday, July 07, 2016Thursday, July 07, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 1.Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tell us of God’s intent to enter into a covenantal relationship (communion) with man. a.Genesis 1 and 2 uses poetic language to describe God’s purpose in creation. b.While using poetic language, the account of Genesis is rooted in history. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2. Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. a.God creates the heavens and the earth, but He does so in an incomplete manner. This incompleteness is shown in that the earth is: i.Formless – it has no shape. ii.Void (wasteland) – it has no life (v. 2). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2.Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. b.The first three days of creation address the problem of formlessness, creating realms. i.On the first day, God creates time, ii.On the second day, God creates space. iii.On the third day, God creates life. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2. Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. c.The second three days of creation address the problem of void. These are the rulers over the realms. i.On the fourth day, God creates the sun, moon and the stars to rule the realm of time (v ). ii.On the fifth day, God creates birds and fish to rule space, that is, land and sea (v ). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2. Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. c.The second three days of creation address the problem of void. These are the rulers over the realms. iii.On the sixth day, God creates living creatures and man, to rule over life (v ). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2. Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. d.God singles out male and female as the high point of His creation, creating them in His image and likeness, calling them: i.To be fruitful and multiply. ii.To fill and subdue the earth. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2. Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. d.God singles out male and female as the high point of His creation, creating them in His image and likeness, calling them: iii.To have seed bearing plants as their food. iv.God found his creation to be very good. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 2. Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the purpose for creation. e.God rested on the seventh day, instituting the Sabbath and calling us to rest and worship (2:1-3). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 3.Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the purpose of man. a.God forms man from the material substance of the earth (v. 7). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 3.Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the purpose of man. b.God placed the man in a garden Eden. Eden: i.Was a sanctuary in which man dwelt with God on earth. ii.Had the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (v. 9). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 3.Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the purpose of man. b.God placed the man in a garden Eden. Eden: iii.Was plentiful with water, a source of life, and a key element in the garden (v. 10). July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 3.Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the purpose of man. c.God commanded the man to: i.Cultivate and take care of the garden (v. 15). ii.Not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 3.Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the purpose of man. d.Man’s solitude is not good (v. 18), so God solves this by making a partner for him. i.None of the animals were a suitable partner for man. ii.Only woman, formed from Adam’s rib, was a suitable partner. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 3.Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the purpose of man. d.Man’s solitude is not good (v. 18), so God solves this by making a partner for him. iii.God called the man and woman to a one-flesh union (v. 24). They were naked, but not ashamed. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 4. In summary, we have seen in Genesis 1 and 2 that: a.God creates the world for us as a place to work with and worship God. b.God has created out of nothing and everything God created was good. c.Man and woman are created to be in union with each other. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life 4. In summary, we have seen in Genesis 1 and 2 that: d.God established a covenant in Creation to mark His relationship with humanity. The characteristics of God’s covenant with Adam are: i.Mediator (the person as the representative of God’s covenant): Adam. ii.Form (the size of the covenant): Marriage. iii.Sign (the action or symbol of the covenant): Sabbath. July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016
God’s Covenants Throughout Salvation History AdamCovenant Mediator Covenant Role Covenant Form Covenant Sign 1. Husband 2. Marriage 3. Sabbath From Dr. Scott Hahn, A Father Who Keeps His Promises
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016 Emptiness Formlessness Rulers Realms TimeSpaceLife Day 5Day 4Day 6 Day 1Day 2Day 3 Day 7
Session 1: Creation: God Gives Us Life July 7, 2016July 7, 2016July 7, 2016 For Discussion: a.Man works because God works; work is one way in which we bear the image and likeness of God. What difference can that truth make in the work that keeps you busy each day? b.Beauty in the Garden of Eden was a testimony to the goodness of God in His Creation. How does beauty in nature help you to know God? c.To be fully human, as God designed us, we must freely choose to do good, not evil. Have you ever wished God had given us less freedom? Why?