VIDEO GAME CRASH A CHC 2D Canadian History Presentation
PAC-MAN FEVER Pac-Man’s popularity went well beyond the video game arcade there was clothing, a breakfast cereal, candy, trading cards, a song (“Pac-Man Fever”) and a Saturday morning cartoon that inspired other game-related cartoons like Donkey Kong and Q*Bert Atari continued to dominate — even after making a notoriously bad video game: E.T. based on the hit film, gamers hated it so much that Atari ended up burying hundreds of cartridges in the desert… which were recently found by a Canadian
MARKET CRASH video games competed against each other, but they couldn’t handle competition from other technology in 1983, a price war saw the Commodore 64 personal computer drop to the same price as the Atari 2600 console system consumers had to wonder why you would pay for the 2600 when the 64 played games and did computing by the time video games recovered, the old companies could not compete against the new machines from Japan