Treasurers’ Day 25 th September DBF BUDGET
Background Period – 7 years of deficits Total reserves used £5m Unsustainable Period – Breakeven budgets Actual results 2013 and 2014 close to breakeven 2015 forecast breakeven or small surplus.
Budget Timetable Jan- Apr – Parish survey of membership/category May-Jun – Departmental budget process July – Scrutiny of departmental budgets by Finance Group Aug - Parish survey results input into share model Sep - Approval of budget by Bishop’s council Oct – Budget adopted by Diocesan Synod Nov – Share requests sent out to parishes
2015 Budget - Income versus Expenditure £11.9m
How much does a stipendiary priest cost in 2015 ? £ Notes Stipend 25,178 Bath & Wells average stipend Pension9, % contribution rate on prior year NMS Employer’s National Insurance contribution 2,022 Total direct costs36,385 Housing repairs and maintenance, insurance, council tax and water rates 6,632} Total expenditure items noted divided by priest numbers. Removal costs and grants688} Training and support – Ordinands2,338} Training – in service (CMD)270} Retirement housing (CHARM)533} Total housing & Training10,460 TOTAL£46,846
Parishes Adult Survey membership 2015 Membership is declining at a rate of just under 2% a year We need to reverse this decline Latest declared membership c 22,000
Parishes Socio Economic Categories Not quite a bell curve – skewed to right 25% of parishes declared A B C compared with 39% E F G
WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR PARISHES? AVERAGE PARISH SHARE INCREASE 2015 Common Fund increase1.5% Average decrease in church membership1.7% Net movement in socio-economic categories0.7% Increase per member for a parish with NO annual change in membership or category 3.9% Common Fund increase approved by Diocesan Synod Membership and categories supplied by parishes Each parish’s increase or decrease will be individual based on their annual changes in membership and category
Parish Share per member in 2015 Parish Socio- Average Share per Member per week Economic Category 2015 £ Increase (3.9%) £ 2014 £ A B C D (Mid) E F G D (Mid) £8.84 per week equates to £460 a year Average weekly increase requested 32p
FINANCE TASKS Collecting Parish Share – 99% aim for 2015 Meeting the break-even operating position Managing and growing the asset base Keeping the cash flowing in and out, evenly Maintaining the property portfolio (£55m) Managing the investments (£35m) Paying 200 stipendiary clergy / 50 + employees