Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 1 WP5 – Farm level assessment of new crops SWUPMED meeting, Cairo 9. Nov 2010 Jens Erik Ørum, Søren Marcus Pedersen University of Copenhagen
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 2 Relevance of new crops From crop to society and environment New crops-> Rational farmer-> Modified crop rotation-> socio economic and environmental impact Rational farmer (model) Adjust crop rotation to optimise farm income with respect to limited input of labour, nitrogen, water and capital From farm level to society and environment Generalise and upscale the farm level results to assess the relevance of new crops for Society (employment, import-export, health),Environment (water use, energy use, nitrogen leaching, soil fertility), River basin (Welfare and environment) etc...
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 3 Parameters to include in the assessment of the individual crops Output Yield (quantity and quality, grain and straw) Input Capital (land, buildings, machines) Labour use Water use Nitrogen use Energy use Data collected among farmers are irrelevant!
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 4 Relevant scenarios We need expert judgement from local agronomists to set up realistic scenarios for: Land (soil quality, salinity, irrigation water quality) Capacities (labour, land, machines, water, nitrogen) Crops (yields, water and nitrogen response, yield and nitrogen effect from previous crop) Market (product and factor prices, demand and supply) Relevant scenarios for publication, EU, local farmers...?
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 5 Farm level options and conclusions We need expert judgement from local agronomists to describe the crops, and the crop-crop relations and to set up realistic scenarios Does all aspects of our project (farmers expectations and attitudes, waste water, draught resistance, heat tolerance, yield quality, salinity, nutrition, marketing, soil fertility, water use, PRD..) have be assessed at the farm level and/or to pass the farm level on their way to the socioeconomic level? Focus on scientific publications based on actual field experiments and/or modelling? Who has got obligations, budget and expertise to do the farm level assessment and publications?
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 6 WP5 expertise and gabs Omar: SOCIO ECONOMY A missing link the farm level and the socioeconomic objectives? Søren: Technology assessment, farm management, Framers attitudes to new technology, processing and establishment of industry related to new crops and products FARMER – TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY Jens Erik: Crop production, farm management, crop protection, new technologies, environment, regulation, soil fertility, biodiversity NATURE – CROP – FARMER Who do we advice doing what? Expectations, obligations and budget?
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 7 Danish Quinoa production Irrigation is profitable on most Danish sandy soils covering more than 20% of all arable land. Organic farming accounts for around 10% of Danish crop production.
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 8 Danish Quinoa experiments Three experiments two years on two locations (sandy loam, no irr.)
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 9 Danish Quinoa experiments
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 10 Basic production data
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 11 Basic accounting.
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 12 WP5 expertise and gabs Omar: SOCIO ECONOMY Søren: Technology assessment, farm management, Framers attitudes to new technology, processing and establishment of industry related to new crops and products FARMER – TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY Jens Erik: Crop production, farm management, crop protection, new technologies, environment, regulation, soil fertility, biodiversity NATURE – CROP – FARMER Who do we advice doing what? Expectations, obligations and budget? At the last WP5 meeting in Naples Søren and I promised to set up a plan for an assessment of the market for Quinoa in Denmark, and a budget for farm level assessment of new crops in some/all regions.
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 13 WP5 Discussion More questions and more questionnaires? Farm economic analysis in Excel? What aspects from other WP to include in farm economic analysis? Market analysis in Denmark and even more countries?
Place, date, unit, occasion etc. Slide 14 WP5 Discussion Morocco supplementary irrigation for rain fed crops DI for irrigated crops, Reduced tillage Just one location Turkey Reduced tillage, Crop rotation Irrigation strategies (DRY, FI, DI25 DI75) Italy Saline water – Fresh water – water stress Portugal Chickpeas – heat and draught stress Syria Waste water Egypt