Mr.Freese American Government and Sheltered US History
About Mr. Freese… Taught at AHS for ten years Past courses have included: US Government, AP Government, Psychology, Bioethics, World History, Sheltered Soc. Science, SDAIE Government, and Economics
My friends think I look like this guy…
And this guy….
And this guy…
About Mr. Freese… Attended Gahr High School in Cerritos Ca. Went to Cerritos College Graduated from UCLA with a degree in Political Science and a degree in History
About Mr. Freese... Miles 4 year Natalie 8 years
About Mr. Freese… milesnatalie
My Goals… Student mastery of standards Establish a connection between subject and the students life. Teach kids how to think Create an engaged citizenry Cultivate a passion for learning
Readings and Homework: Students will be responsible for reading in their textbook and some supplementary sources. Reading is VERY IMPORTANT to this class. YOU will need to do the reading to prepare for lecture, tests, and activities. There WILL BE READING and vocabulary quizzes throughout the course.
Grading and Assessment Policy: The grading scale: A=90-100%, B= %, C= %, D= %, F= 58%-0% Summative Assessments (tests and projects collected at the end of a chapter or unit) account for 70% of your grade. Formative Assessments (quizzes, class work, activities and anything that checks for your understanding of the material) accounts for 30% of your grade.
American Government This is a course in American government focusing on the creation, structure, and interaction of our governmental institutions. Within this course we will look at topical issues and make connections between our society and political system, attempting to analyze that effect us within the context of American government.
Stuff were going to learn about in Units… Foundations of Government Democracy Constitution 3 Branches of Gov. Bill of Rights Supreme Court Elections (Project)
Sheltered US History This is a year long course and it meets the Social Science requirement for graduation from high school. Students will be learning geography, map-skills, library, research-skills, current events and U.S. History. This course will be delivered in English. Students will be provided support to ensure their understanding of the material.
Modern World History This is a survey course in Modern World History, focusing on the Enlightenment to the present day. Within this course we will use a variety of historical perspectives to analyze political systems, ideas, and personalities that shape our world. Ultimately, we shall strive to make connections between the past and issues that shape our world today.
Modern World History… What is Modern? Modern is a historical shift in the way people think, feel, and act about the world around them. That shift occurs during the historical period known as the Enlightenment. Shifting Paradigms… Thinking Spiritual to Rational Economic Feudalism to Capitalism Scientific Mysticism to Empiricism Government Autocracy to Democracy
Economics The social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic systems The course include such microeconomics concepts as market and prices, supply and demand, competition and market structure, income distribution and the role of government. Macroeconomics concepts include international trade, unemployment, inflation and deflation, and fiscal and monetary policy
Most work will consist of homework packets, debates, current events, a research paper and a final project.
Psychology Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. The discipline embraces all aspects of the human experience — from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to care for the aged. In every conceivable setting from scientific research centers to mental health care services, "the understanding of behavior" is the enterprise of psychologists.
Psychology A Psychology A introduces students to the scientific study of human behavior. The brain, genes and the environment will be investigated. Early childhood growth and development as well as other stages of life are explored. Students will learn about motivation, learning, perception, memory, personality, intelligence and understanding one's own behavior.
Classroom Rules…
Classroom Rules 1. I understand that I must show respect to all persons and their property at all times. 2. I understand the special privilege of having computers in the library. Usage of computers will be based on my responsible adherence to all computer rules. 3. I understand that copying and sharing of answers on any assignment is not allowed unless specific instructions our given. 4. I understand that I must follow all Arcadia High School rules 5. I understand that I am to be on time to class and in my seat when the bell rings. 6. I understand that chewing gum, food, and drinks(besides water) are not allowed in class. 7. I understand that cell phones, I Pods, video games are not allowed in class and will be taken away by teachers for 24 hours if there is an attempt to use them. 8 I understand that I must sign in and out to use the restroom
Contact Info… ext Conference period 2
About Mr. Freese… Music (jazz, rock, rare groove, house, hip hop, funk, blues, anything with a beat preferably poly-rhythmic) … no country, no dub-step. Sports (basketball, football, baseball, hockey, tennis, golf, soccer) Politics and History Theatre Los Angeles