Orangutans By: Melissa Moscow ☻
Adult Orangutans are about 5 feet 1.5 meters tall. Orangutans have long strong arms to swing between branches. Males weigh from 150 to 200 pounds (68 – 9 kilograms) Females are as about half as large. Some Females weigh pounds
Poaching Environment being destroyed Lack of food Destruction of the tropical rainforest in Borneo and Sumatra
Orangutans eat 400 different food in the wild The word Orangutan means person of the forest When it rains Orangutans build covers over their there 20 to 80 feet nests above the ground to stay dry
Orangutans Pebble go Endangered animals volume7 Ask.com
People are Orangutans enemy Some fruits are hard to eat because they are covered with sharp hairs. Instead of using their teeth they use a stick to crack it open