iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 1 Webinar #8: Crucial Conversations: Part 1 of 2
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Learning Objectives: TMWBAT: Understand the “Art of Dialogue” Identify the 3 conditions when a conversation becomes “Crucial” Utilize these skills for a ‘win-win’ resolution Learn how this relates to Emotional Intelligence 2
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Issues, Expectations, & Take-aways What do you want to learn from this topic / program? 3
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Background Information Book came out in 2002 & has been a best seller Many corporations have made this mandatory training Taught in over 75 branches at Paychex Leads to a “Culture of Communication” Many/most managers have never been taught the art of dialogue or communication 4
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 5 Facilitating Dialogue: Where/how do you feel this is needed? How does this impact communicating between divisions? How does this relate to: Leadership Blame How will you change the inertia?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 6 3 Elements: High stakes Quarter-end results New contracts Impact on manufacturing capacity or product delivery commitments Strong emotions Supply chain vs. Manufacturing Opposing opinions
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations What It Is Not It is not a 1-way threatening conversation directed at poor performance or selling less than quota! 7
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 8 What is Dialogue? My view? Your view? Other view? Pool of Shared Meaning What is the difference between Communication & Dialogue? Components: Sender Message Receiver.
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 9 What Topic? What issues require a Crucial Conversation? What is your current reluctance to open this dialogue? What have you learned from your DISC results that influence your style? [Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, & Compliance] SDI Test results?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 10 Rule #1: Start with Heart: Focus on what you really want: For me? For the other person[s]? For the relationship? Acid Test: Identify the crucial conversation which, if improved, would significantly improve results that are important to you personally. Different countries? Different cultures? Different time zones? Sales vs. Manufacturing conflict
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 11 Pool of Shared Meaning: The free flow of information, especially about high- stakes issues How are we going to do this?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 12 Sucker’s Choice: A choice between 2 bad alternatives “If I reveal my feelings, you’ll hold a grudge. If I don’t speak, nothing will change.” Manufacturing Example: “If I complain about the short delivery dates, the Supply Manager will just overpower me, as usual.”
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 13 Rule #2: Learn to Look Watch the content & conditions. Recognize when people retreat. Silence [pg. 51/58] [Withholding meaning from the pool] Avoiding [avoid conflict] Withdrawing [prefer to disengage] Masking [sugarcoat; sarcasm] Violence [pg. 53/60] [Forcing meaning in the pool] Controlling Labeling Attacking
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations ? Silence: Avoiding Withdrawing Masking Violence: Controlling Labeling Attacking 14 Pgs / 64-67; Scoring on pgs What did you just learn about ourself?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 15 Your Style Under Stress? Test on page 56 / in book. 33 questions. Scoring on pgs Take a few minutes. Personal feedback. No need to share. What did you learn? What 1 thing can/will you change?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 16 Your Score? Match your responses to the Score Sheets on pgs / High score means you use that technique fairly often. [Also means that you’re human] 33 questions = 33 points 3 checkmarks in a category = 3=consistent; 2 = fine tune that skill; 1 or 0 = focus on improving. Now what? 3-5 minute pause: Put into your Plan of Action
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 17 Your Style? 3 Possibilities: Passive Aggressive Assertive How would you define each one? What are the characteristics? Under Stress
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 18 Summary: Learn to Look: Look at content & conditions Look for when things become crucial. [Stakes are high. Different opinions. High emotion] Watch for safety problems. [It’s OK to call ‘time-out’ & return to the conversation another time.] Look for others moving towards silence/violence. Look at your style under stress
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 19 Rule #3: Make It Safe [pg. 65/73] How to make it safe to talk about almost anything? When there are Safety Risks, step out of the conversation. 2 Conditions: Mutual purpose [What are our common goals?] Mutual respect [How do we value each other?] Define “respect”.
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations20 Choices When You Step Out: Pg. 74 / 82 Clear Problem Mis-under- standing Respect Violated Apologize “I’m sorry that I hurt you. You didn’t deserve that.” Contrasting “I didn’t mean to imply… What I did mean is that ….” Purpose Violated Create a Mutual Purpose “Let’s commit to find a mutual purpose.” [Brainstorm]
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 21 Rule #4: Master My Stories [pg. 93/103] How to stay in the dialogue when you’re angry, scared or hurt?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Rule #4: Master My Stories [pg. 93/103] Stories create feelings! Victim / Villain / Helpless Happening to both parties: “This what I hear/see” “I tell a story to myself” [Defense mechanism] “I add meaning to justify my position” [Rationalizing] “ I take [new] action”. [Silence / Violence] 22
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Emotions Don’t Just Happen! [pg. 94/104] Claim #1: Emotions don’t just settle upon you like a fog. You make yourself [happy/mad, etc.] You create your own emotions based on the impact on your Value System. Claim #2: Once you created your own emotions: You can act on them You can be acted upon by them Discussion: What does this mean to you? 23
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 24 Types of Stories We Tell Ourselves: Victim: “This always happens to me.” Or, “It’s not my fault.” [Innocent sufferers] Villain: “He is forcing me to do things a certain way.” Or, “It’s all his fault.” [Bad motive by others; evil doers] Helpless: “I can’t do anything about this so why bother?” Or, “There’s nothing else I can do.” [Helpless stories look forward to explain why we can’t do anything to change the situation.] Pg. 106 / 118
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 25 Try It Out! Manufacturing & Supply Chain: Crucial Conversation on Incomplete Specifications or Delivery Dates & Output Quotas: Step #1: Start with Heart. [“What do you want?” “What does the other person want?”] Step #2: Learn to Look. [“Moving to silence or violence.”] Step #3: Make it safe. Step #4: Master My Stories Practice Role Playing
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Role Plays Operations [Pressure to fill a big order] Supply Chain [Add’l. supplier with 6 Sigma & JIT] Engineers [Not enough time for design & QC] Software / IT [Scope creep from Ops] 10 minutes to prepare 10 minute role play 26 Other Role Play Scenarios
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Yes, but….. Where do you see obstacles or resistance? 27
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations 28 What’s Next? How will you use this next week?
iPrecision™ Systems for Critical Operations Questions? 29