To define the term Personality To give an overview of Personality in sport. To understand the Social Learning Theory Key words Personality Psychology Personality traits Learning Objectives
Task: Describe your own personality. Is there more to personality that this... What do I mean by this? Task: Create your own definition of personality.
Personality has been defined as: “Those relatively stable and enduring aspects of individuals which distinguish them from other people, making them unique but at the same time permit a comparison between individuals” (Gross, 1992). -In simpler terms your personality makes you who you are and doesn’t really change (relatively stable). Your personality can be similar to others but you will have your own traits. What does this mean?
What would happen if our personality was not stable? You wouldn’t be able to predict others behaviour and others need to predict how we will respond. Stable personality allows us to maintain and sustain relationships with others. E.g children predict what their parents are going to get angry and mad about. Q) Can you think of any other examples?
A)Levels – the wrapper outside layer- everyone see B) chocolate layer- those who go the trouble (friends) C)Caramel- psychological core- internal- hardest to get to know- most stable Q) How does this relate to personality?
Sports Personality Of The Year. Q) What is it? Q) How is the word personality being used?
Personality in Sport Psychology Measuring personality is difficult because there is no clear definition as to what personality is! Tests can be measured in the following ways: Questionnaires, Interviews and Observations Psychologists are yet to determine what personality characteristics are needed to become an elite sports person. There main concern How can psychologists maximise an individuals sports performance.
Social learning theory Bandura- situation approach Make your own notes on the videos Q) What is social learning? Q) What was the experiment? Q) What did it prove? WHk&list=PLNfyyGnYx5dHXOBqOGWhl1vIW_PUsc4wh
E.g. A footballer off the field is very shy and introvert. However in the game of football he plays aggressively. Think of two more examples where the situation effects the personality of an individual. Behaviour is determined through the situation or environment. It draws from social learning theory (Bandura) which explains behaviour in terms of observational learning and social reinforcement. One of its most remarkable features is to learn without reinforcements (either rewards or punishments).
Social learning theory can be broken into 4 constructs that must be taken into account. Competencies and skills: How someone speaks or looks is noticed and is often used to make judgements about there personality. Beliefs and expectations: Beliefs relate to how the world is while expectations concerns what an individuals thinks will happen in the future. Behavioural standards: you use behavioural standards to judge the goodness or worth of your own behaviour. Personal goals: influencing change in our personalities is the identification and realisation of goals.
Task: Give examples of each of the 4 constructs. Task: In groups of 2 discuss how behavioural standards could be used as a theoretical tool to study moral behaviours and violations of moral standards.
Q) What is good about this theory? Q) What is not good about this theory?
Homework: You will be tested on this topic on Sunday so please revise notes! Research and make notes on the interactions approach to personality ready for next lesson.