+ Pre-Vet Club September 8, 2014
+ Lauren Ugol Executive Board President Vice President Nicole Santabarbara Treasurer Alexa Weiland
+ Loren Becknell Executive Board Secretary Public Relations Kailee Tateman Webmaster Pauline Shih
+ Current Events in Vet Medicine
+ Being Pre-Vet at Miami Year 1 BIO 115, 116 CHM 141/144 and 142/145 English 111 Year 3 MBI 121, 161 or 201 BIO 342 CHM 332 or 432 Physiology (recommended) Year 2 CHM 241/244 and 242/245 MTH or STA 261 Cell Biology (recommended) Year 4 PHY 171/173 and 172/174
+ How many vet schools are there in the United States? 30
+ OSU Prerequisites Starting Admission Cycle
+ Class of 2018 Profile
+ Getting Experience Experience handing and working with a variety of different animals Volunteering at animals shelters Fostering Taking a horseback riding class Work on a farm Observing a vet or vet tech Volunteering or working under the supervision of a vet Oxford Veterinary Hospital Animal Care Clinic Grove Veterinary Clinic Quality > Quantity Animal ExperienceVeterinary Experience
+ GRE Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning Writing Letters of Recommendation Most schools require 3 to be submitted through VMCAS OSU requires 1 be from a veterinarian (2 for some schools) VMCAS The “Common App” of veterinary school Supplemental Applications Deadline: October 2 Personal Interview Based on pre-screening Demonstrate people skills Current events are key Other Important Information
+ Extracurricular activities Honors and awards Scholarships Study abroad Leadership positions How to be well-rounded
+ Your Resources Miami Pre-Vet Advisors Dr. Hoffman Dr. Solomon OSU Admissions Advisors April Pugh Shayna Mohr AAVMC Schools, current events, jobs JAVMA is the official research journal Facebook Hub Don’t be afraid to ask!
+ September Events