Computers are probably the most important modern invention. They are machines which follow instructions or "programs".The programs tell the computer how to store and control electronic information. A computer can do difficult sums quicker than we can close our eyes.
Computers are important for three main reasons. First, they are flexible: we can use them in many different ways. Computers also can work quickly and accurately with large quantities of information. Also, computers can store enormous quantities of information and they never forget it.
Computers are everywhere today. At home, we use them to send s and for the internet. In banks, computers store information about people money. Factories use them to control robots that can do work which people did in the past. Most books are now made with the help of computers. Doctors use computers to help to examine their patients. Computers have made life easier.
The formation affirmative will (‘ll) + inf Subject shall
negation Will not Won’t +inf Shall not (shan’t)
interrogation Will + subject + ( inf ) + ………..? Question word +will + subject + inf …………?
Words refers to the future simple Next Tomorrow In the future Soon In a few minutes Later on
Examples Computer will control space rockets. Will you e able to drive when you are 20 ? We won’t need people to fly planes because computers will be able to fly them.