Data based on a study examining the University of Michigan’s purchasing of office products from a single supplier. Go Green, The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering Save Green:
Problem #1: Rising diesel and gasoline costs result in fuel surcharges to the customer. Frequent deliveries impact the environment through CO2 air pollution. Problem #2: Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering
The Solution: to Mondays, Limit deliveries Tuesdays, and Fridays.Thursdays, Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering
The Benefits: $139,744 in fuel surcharge avoidance annually. Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering 26 tons of reduced CO2 air pollution annually. 2,327 gallons of saved diesel fuel annually. 23,775 miles of saved delivery miles annually.
Problem #3: result in wasteful use of shipping materials. may result in damage to products during transit. Problem #4: Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering Frequent,smaller deliveries Shipping materials capacity not filled to
The Solution: frequent small orders. Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering Place fewer large orders instead of
The Benefits: 7.7 tons of saved corrugated packaging annually. Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering 22,806 fewer orders annually. 11,517 fewer shipping cartons used annually. *Estimated figures based on one $50 order vs. five $10 orders. 3,171 gallons of saved diesel fuel annually.
Conclusion Consolidated ordering American Office Products Distributors, Inc E. Main Street, Suite 220 St. Charles, IL Go Green, Save Green: The Benefits of Consolidated Ordering makes