ClimTrans2050 ClimTrans2050 Expert Workshop 24. April Austria in a 2050 Global Emissions Equity World 2.Origins and purpose of the GHG emissions data set. 3.Contents of the GHG emissions data set. 4.A few examples of what information may be extracted from our GHG emissions data set. 5.Ultimate goals
ClimTrans Austria in a 2050 GEE World POSTER To be edited
ClimTrans2050 To utilize ETU framework (Jonas et al <- see WP2 Literature) a comprehensive and globally consistent GHG emissions data set is needed. Old data set covering (see supplementary materials to Jonas et al.) is being updated. Main purposes of this data set: Define boundary conditions for Austria’s mitigation efforts that are consistent with global context. Formulate emissions reduction strategies corresponding to various 2050 global emission targets. Assess uncertainties and risks of not reaching various 2050 emissions targets. 2. About GHG emissions data set
ClimTrans Contents of the data set DataSourcePeriodSpatio-temporal resolution Global carbon cycle Coupled carbon-climate- human system components (CO 2 ) GCP… 1990 – 2013global / annual Technosphere: GHGs emissions Fossli-fuel burning, cement production, gas flaring (CO 2 ) CDIAC… , 2012 prelim. est. global and by country / annual Emissions embodied in international trade (CO 2 ) GCP by country / annual Total CO 2 and aggregated Kyoto GHGs emissions UN FCCC by country (Annex I) / annual
ClimTrans Contents of the data set DataSourcePeriodSpatio-temporal resolution Technosphere: GHGs emissions (continued) CH 4, N 2 O, high GWP emissions (non CO 2 ) EPA1990 – 2030 (projections starting from 2010) by country / 5 year steps Technosphere: context relevant data Population, GDPUN FCCC by country (Annex I) / annual Population (projections)IIASA globally by world region / annual Population (projections)UN Pop. Division 2010 – 2100global / 5 year steps PopulationUN Pop. Division … globally, by country / annual
ClimTrans Contents of the data set DataSourcePeriodSpatio-temporal resolution Terrestrial biosphere: CO 2 emissions CO 2 from LUWHRC… … globally by world regions (and large countries) / annual CO 2 from LUCFFAO by country / annual CO 2 from LULUCFUN FCCC by country (Annex I) / annual CO 2 (HANPP) embodied in trade IFF (Faculty of Interdisciplinary studies, Alpen-Adria Univ. Klagenfurt) 2000by country /annual
ClimTrans A few examples
ClimTrans A few examples
ClimTrans Ultimate goals Ultimate goals of Work Package 2: 1.Provide globally consistent boundary conditions (and emission targets) that should be included in any future proposal. 2.Develop a framework for monitoring a country’s (past as well as projected) performance in complying with future warming targets. Deliverables: Comprehensive and globally consistent data set of GHGs emissions (and other auxiliary data). Pilot interface for demonstration purposes within ClimTrans2050.