AD 30 – Jesus crucified AD 33 – Saul converted AD 46 – Barnabas and Saul in Antioch AD 47 – Paul’s first missionary journey AD 49 – Jerusalem council AD 49 – Paul’s second missionary journey TIMELINE AD – Paul in Corinth AD – Paul’s Third missionary journey AD 55 – Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians AD 56 – Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians
Paul had planted the church in Corinth. A couple of years later, he is in Ephesus. He hears about what is going on in Corinth. He writes a letter in response. Some correspondence goes back and forth. Paul made a visit to Corinth, but it didn’t go well. 2 Corinthians written about a year later. Background Summary
I.Greeting (1:1-11) II.Paul’s Defense of His Ministry (1:12 - 2:13) III.Paul’s Reflection on the Nature of Ministry (2:14 – ch. 7) IV.Paul’s Appeal to Corinthian Generosity (ch. 8-9) V.Paul’s Apostolic Authority (ch ) VI.Concluding Greetings (ch. 13) Outline of 2 Corinthians
I.Greeting (1:1-11) -What word appears over and over? -Comfort! -Why does God comfort us? 2 Corinthians
II.Paul’s Defense of His Ministry (1:12 - 2:13) 2 Corinthians
III.Paul’s Reflection on the Nature of Ministry (2:14 – ch. 7) –We are the aroma of Christ (2:14-16) –We are letters from Christ (3:3) –We are jars of clay (4:7) –We are ambassadors of Christ (5:20) 2 Corinthians
IV.Paul’s Appeal to Corinthian Generosity (ch. 8-9) -Paul is taking up a collection for the poor in Jerusalem. -He wants the church in Corinth to help. 2 Corinthians
V.Paul’s Apostolic Authority (ch ) 2 Corinthians
VI.Concluding Greetings (ch. 13) 2 Corinthians