SUCCESS Achieving Your Dreams at PGCC Language Studies Department
WELCOME A few words from our chair, Esther Robbins.
Get to Know Your Teachers Know their names, faces, office location and hours. Use actual photos of staff and faculty
Get to Know your Campus Largo – with photos –Language Lab –Tutoring and Writing Center –Library –Food –Bookstore UTC – with photos –Labs –General assistance
Classroom Success All Classes (each can be a slide with visual and more details) –Connect with other students – create study groups –Get familiar with Blackboard –Get a calendar with important dates listed –Use your textbook wisely – grammar charts, appendices (study skill ideas – Brenan) –When planning schedule, think about study time outside of class –Designate a place to study – library, home
Language Class Success Language learning takes time – slide that explains average length of lang. learning. Specific grammar tips (specific to ESL and SPN, FRN Specific writing tips (SPN/FRN could skip this if not appropriate)
Assessment Using an assessment tool (such as a survey or quiz), we can gauge students’ retention of the materials presented. A follow-up assessment can also be given at the end of the semester to ensure that students are planning for the next semester and to ascertain any pitfalls/extra support that the students self identify.