Overall planning, consolidation, stops, time line K. Foraz MAC – April 27th 2010 April 27th 20101K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
Contents 2 years cycles – Technical stops – Xmas breaks Shut-down 2012 – LHC – Injector chain Overall timeline & conclusions April 27th 20102K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: Global strategy Operate machines on a 2 year basis Technical stops to solve N.Cs and anticipate preventive maintenance Mid-period: Xmas break to perform minimum maintenance activities April 27th 20103K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: LHC monthly technical stops 3 days each month: – to anticipate preventive maintenance started: ventilation, fire, gas, access, sniffer… – to perform minor consolidation works: Heaters on current leads, QPS – To solve non conformities encountered during operation: Cryogenics, ventilation, leaks, instrumentation… 3 days during which ~ 1day is dedicated to RP survey, electrical lock-out and unlock-out – In late summer, we have to analyze if it would be more efficient to increase the periodicity and the length of the technical stops (ex: 1 week each 7 weeks) April 27th 20104K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: Injectors Technical Stops Technical stops 3 days/quarter Resources shared with LHC !!! Observation of a rise in the number of faults occurring during operation, which might be attributed to the fact that only the “bare minimum” work was carried out in January, (example: interlocks being activated because drifting values reach the permitted limit levels) But reliability still high April 27th 20105K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: Maintenance activities (1/3) Preventive maintenance activities have been sorted out by priorities Priority 1 corresponds to the minimum maintenance of the systems linked to legal or security requirements (personal / machine) : Cooling-towers, pumps, ventilation, AUG, UPS, cryogenics, fire-evacuation, ODH, gas. In addition for injectors: magnets replacement, LINAC2 source, PC Siemens (rotating machine) … Most of these activities can be performed in 4 weeks…but April 27th 20106K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: Maintenance activities (2/3) Example of duration drivers LHC Cryogenic (part) Restricted preventive maintenance on LHC cryogenic plants Last full preventive maint. in winter Oil pumps exch.(former LEP compression stations plants, Compressors alignment, Tests of instrumentation sensors linked to security chains, Electrical insulation test on motors, Vacuum pumps maintenance, Calibration of the sensible analogical instrumentation, Cleaning of the water circuits between SF and cryogenic equipment, Surface main absorber replacement (charcoal) 2 weeks/points Restricted preventive maintenance on LHC detectors (ATLAS & CMS) cryogenic plants Lhe empting before and cool-down after maintenance(see next slide) System given for 8’000 hours by firms 12’000 hours shall be OK December 2011: 23’000 hours Difficult to estimate the breakdown rates on these systems April 27th 20107K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: Maintenance activities (3/3) Cooling & ventilation (part) Cooling towers: Cleaning only 3d / cooling towers = 5weeks Pumping stations (LHC & injectors) Injectors not in parallel with LHC 1wk/ station = 6weeks Last maintenance performed before February 2009, Compensatory measures are being put in place Fire-ODH Fire-Evacuation 1 team for SPS (equipment DEF) 2 weeks 1 team for LHC and injectors (Sécuriton equipment) PS: 2 weeks + LHC-EVAC: 2weeks (Xmas) + LHC-fire (3weeks) + Experimental racks (3weeks) = 10weeks under study: additionnal resources,anticipation during technical stops Gaz-ODH (1 équipe) SPS : 3 weeks + LHC: 3weeks + LHC-Flash: 2weeks (Xmas) = 8 weeks under study: additionnal resources,anticipation during technical stops April 27th 20108K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2 years cycle: Xmas breaks Subject of the Xmas breaks is being studied with 2 options: 7 weeks break11 weeks break Minimal length Skip of cleaning of the cooling towers, maintenance of cryogenics compressors Additional resources to be found for gas, fire, access, electricity… Risks of breakdown during operation increased Minimal maintenance Additional resources to be found for gas, fire, access (seems feasible) Mitigation of risks of breakdown during operation Request from Hiradmat project: 8 weeks April 27th 20109K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee Availability of the machine during operation versus Xmas break length (mimimum maint.)
2 years cycle - conclusions Technical stops – N.C. solving, anticipation of preventive maintenance, minor consolidations – LHC: Increase frequency & length or not – Injectors: 3 days/quarter Xmas breaks – 7/11weeks – Dilemma between risks & length of operation – Resources – Hiradmat project needs 8 weeks Do not worsen the situation April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2012 Shut-down LHC - Main consolidations to be performed – Interconnections (see talk of Francesco Bertinelli) – R2E (see talk of Roberto Losito) – Collimators (see talk of Ralph Assman) Injector chain April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2012 Shut-down – LHC: Interconnections (1/3) Sector 1 Sector Interconnections Rate = 50 IC/week, 14 wks for 1st sector 5 wks later for 2nd sector From warm-up to powering tests Powering tests Warm-up Pressure test - last leak tests - flushing warm Cool=down Powering tests Warm-up Pressure test - last leak tests - flushing warm Cool=down cold ? April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A 2012 Shut-down – LHC : Interconnections (3/3) Taking into account 15% of margin to absorb additional works, delays…, and postponing cool-down in order to ease access and works months shut-down April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A 2012 Shut-down – LHC : Maintenance One entire year is enough for the maintenance Schedule maintenance as late as possible / remaintain years of operation April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2012 Shut-down – LHC : Collimation (1/2) Success oriented: Readiness for installation (point 3) : 2012 Then 13 weeks are needed to close, test, leak test the IC’s afterward Conservative: Installation (point 3) : shut-down 2015 April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A 2012 Shut-down – LHC : Collimation April 27th 2010K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee16 Latest collimator: end of December -> end of the shut-down end of June !! Being ready earlier will have an impact on the end date, because of the interconnection resources. Schedule will be reviewed as soon as a technical solution will be adopted’ Delay the collimation installation in will certainly increase the length of the shut-down (6months) Sector 23 Sector 34
D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A 2012 Shut-down – LHC : R2E At least 9-10 months are available. Shielding at points 1 & 5 and relocation of equipment at point 7 & 8 are being studied months looks OK, but need to check with resources used by other interventions April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2012 shut-downs - Injectors Ususal maintenance activities: – electricity, cooling & ventilation, fire… Usual shut-down works: – RF, magnets, cables, kickers Projects (if approved) – Consolidation – 2GeV – SPS upgrades (RF,…) April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
2012 shut-down: conclusions 16 months shut-down, driven by interconnection works, taking into consideration 15% margin from strict minimum. – Includes interconnections, R2E, maintenance Collimation: – Latest collimators ready in December – 2 additional months – To be looked at in detail mid 2010 Maintenance & R2E: OK April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee
Overall timeline & Conclusions – Xmas breaks & Technical Stops Lenght of Xmas break to be decided in July: 7 weeks vs 11 weeks – Dilemma between risks & length of operation – Resources – Hiradmat project - 8 weeks Injectors: minimal maintenance & minimal tech. Stops => number of faults – Shut-down 2012 LHC = 16 months shut-down – driven by the interconnection project – OK for maintenance & R2E – Re-evaluation after the choice of the technical solution for the collimation project Injectors = 2 * 4 months LHC Injector chain April 27th K. Foraz - Machine Advisory Committee