Overview of Diaplus: A Life-long Career Management Tool Zoe Albani
Purpose of the Project To produce a European tool of life long career management which will enable the individual to monitor his/her career, that is: To review his/her qualifications, his/her personal occupational profile To set new goals To plan his/her continuous personal development accordingly
Project Aims To develop a European methodology for life-long career management To promote a life-long career management culture To upgrade training by linking training and the business world To actualize life-long learning To encourage women to get trained and employed in the ICT sector To link initial with continuous training
The target groups Students of initial and further training colleges Graduates of such schools who are in a transition phase towards the labor market People who already work in the ICT sector and want to change specialty People who work in other fields and wish to transfer in the ICT sector Human Resource or Vocational Guidance Experts
Empowerment of Women A strategy was established with the aim of eliminating gender inequalities relating to guidance, training and the labor market while at the same time support women in dealing with such problems.
Fields of Application Vocational Education and Training (both Initial and Continuous) Companies and more specifically companies operating in the ICT sector
The 7 Modules 1.Reviewing your educational/training background 2.Reflecting on your experiences of work 3.Looking at your personal profile 4.Exploring the ICT business world 5.Getting information on education/training 6.Making career choices 7.Developing your action plan
Expert’s Handbook Covering 3 topics: A.Necessary information for the effective use of the tool including: A module by module provision of guidelines for the completion of each module Key questions assisting the expert in probing and further exploring the user’s answers Module-specific comments and questions in relation to gender
B.Essential information on related important issues: on latest European developments in the field of lifelong vocational guidance gender mainstreaming issues C.Information on the ICT occupational titles that are presented in the tool A list of the different ICT skills included in these profiles A glossary of the skills Expert’s Handbook cont.
Project’s Main Activities The development of the vocational guidance tool The development of a manual for the Counselor or the HR expert The experimental implementation of the tool A training program for counselors/ human resource experts Dissemination activities Internal evaluation
The Products A computer based long-life career management tool in three languages: Greek, English and German An Experts Handbook (in 3 languages)
Project Partners Institute of Training and Vocational Guidance (IEKEP) Federation of Hellenic Information Technology and Communications Enterprises (SEPE) Organization for Vocational Education and Training (OEEK) The Cypriot Association of Teachers of Counseling and Career Education National Institute for Careers Education and Counseling (NICEC) FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin (FCZB).