Q K-12 Blueprint Overview
2 The K-12 Blueprint offers resources for education leaders involved in planning and implementing personalized learning technology initiatives. Addresses core areas necessary for results including Leadership, Policy, Funding, Infrastructure, Curriculum, and Professional Development Profiles of success with one to one initiatives Toolkits of adaptable materials K-12 Blueprint: An Overview
Leadership Inspire, Guide, and Build Systemic Change Effective technology implementation is dependent on inspirational and supportive leadership. The K-12 Blueprint supports leadership by sharing knowledge on key topics and case studies on implementation. To support a successful technology integration initiative materials are provided to help leadership Identify stakeholders Build a task force Develop teacher buy-in Create a strategic and sustainable plan Involve people, process, technology, and data Maximize communications
Policy Drives Practice Federal, state, and local expectations drive systemic behaviors Changes in policy are needed to engender true transformation. Establish an Acceptable Use Policy Policy
Finding and sustaining funds for technology initiatives is critical for success. Initial Funding such as grants, bonds, statewide pilots Ongoing Funding such as community partnerships, business partnerships, parent contributions Consider Funding Options – purchase, leasing, individual Funding
Curriculum & Assessment Systemic shift from static to dynamic content At the core of any student-centered technology initiative is the question of how it impact teaching and learning. Does Curriculum & Assessment: Provides enriching, engaging, and dynamic learning experiences Allows students to become masters of their learning (student-centered and student-produced) Flexibility – delivered in multiple modalities Connects to world beyond classroom walls Saves money
Connectivity Always available Always current Rich client available even when offline, with local secure storage of PHI, etc. Infrastructure Informed decision making Benefits of a robust, well designed infrastructure Enhance productivity Foster collaboration Improve efficiency Nurture teachers Manageability Device provisioning Inventory management Software distribution LMS, CMS Mobile device management Security Multi-factor authentication Encryption Spyware protection Storage Performance Big data analytics Hybrid cloud 7
Professional Development Effective professional development goes far beyond one-time training sessions designed to introduce new technologies. It is ongoing, frequently reinforced, well supported and embedded into the daily life of schools. Here are some suggestions for building an effective professional development program to support your one-to-one computing program, or other technology initiatives: Provide technology one year in advance Use professional development sessions smartly- face-to-face, online, hybrid Provide ongoing & timely support Implement mentoring programs Train to fix minor connectivity interruptions Provide appropriate learning opportunities Offer encouragement and support
9 The K-12 Blueprint offers a number of “Toolkits” that include resources to help support technology initiatives and standards-based learning. The toolkits will inform and guide your decisions along the way. Toolkits to Help Manage Change
10 Solutions Choosing the right devices for your students and educators can be a challenging process. Here you'll find a insights on the latest tools and guidelines to help you understand when, where and why each may be appropriate
Ed Tech Solution Planner 11
Intel ® Education Apps for Teaching and Learning The following applications are offered fee with purchase of Intel Architecture Devices: Read with Me: A student literacy and reading tool for grades K-2 Learning in Context Apps: Reading Comprehension - aids students in learning how to read text passages for comprehension Concept Mapping - allows students to easily create mind maps, flowcharts, and concept maps. Population Statistics - guides students in collecting data, visualizing distributions, and drawing comparative inferences Science Journal- helps students develop skills in data collection, supposition and reflection
Intel ® Education Apps for Teaching and Learning The following resources are free and available to all educators: Visual Ranking Seeing Reason Showing Evidence Assessing Projects National Tech Goes Home Intel® Learn Easy Steps Study Engaged Learning with Android Tablets Intel Education Help Guide: Learning Windows 8.1
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