Code Committee Annual Report COE Faculty Meeting February 10, Speight
Year of COE Transition The Dean approached the Code committee about revising the code for efficiency and effectiveness. The Dean met with the committee to discuss the current code. As a result, the Code committee with the Dean is presenting these proposed changes in an effort to improve transparency and shared governance.
Piloted/Proposed Revisions 1.Change in composition of the COE Faculty Advisory Council. 2.Removal of administrative titles, roles, and responsibilities from the Code. 3.Change in frequency of college-wide meetings.
Advisory Council Membership Code (2014) One voting faculty member from each department Department chair from each department. Ex-officio members without vote Dean Assistant and/or Associate Deans Director of Teacher Education Director of Assessment & Accreditation Directors of Centers and Institutes. Proposed/Pilot One voting faculty member from each department Ex-officio members without vote Dean Advisory Council Faculty Representative attends COE Leadership Meetings
Administrative Organization Code (2014) Enumerated responsibilities Dean Assistant and or Associate Deans Director of Teacher Education Director of Assessment and Accreditation Department Chairs, Assistant/Associate Chairs Proposed/Pilot Remove administrative titles, roles and responsibilities from the Code and include in the annual COE handbook.
Regular Meetings of COE Faculty Code (2014) At least twice per semester Proposed/Pilot 3-4 per year
Code Committee After meeting with the committee, Dean Hayes appointed Dr. Misulis as the Dean’s Designee (ex-officio). The Committee’s Work reviewed the history of the Code with attention to proposed revisions. is reviewing Faculty Senate guidelines for Code revisions. continues to interpret the code and to identify faculty concerns. developing a process to review and revise the Code with faculty. The Committee & the Dean will strive for transparency and shared governance in piloting proposed changes.
Code Revision Process : Pilot Revisions : Faculty Assessment of Current Piloted Changes : Code Revision
Faculty Input Via COE Code Committee portal Via COE Code Committee Representative Dr. Terry Atkinson, LEHE Dr. Jim McDowelle, LEED Dr. Rose Sinicrope, MSITE Dr. Joy Stapleton, ELMID Dr. Karen Voytecki, SEFR Dr. Elaine Yontz, IDP Via COE Advisory Council Scheduled Faculty Forums