Planning and Community Development Department FY 2015 Operating Budget June 2, 2014
2 Planning and Community Development FY 2015 Sources - $ million General Fund - $7.199 million Building Services Fund- $5.279 million Capital Public Art Fund- $0.166 million Downtown Cultural Trust Fund- $0.324 million FY 2015 Uses - $ million Personnel - $9.120 million Services/Supplies - $2.038 million IS charges - $1.810 million FY 2015 Sources and Uses
2 Planning and Community Development Budget History By Division or Major Budget Area Division FY 2013 Actual FY 2014 Revised FY 2015 Recommended Administration$1.002 million$1.552 million$1.620 million Cultural Affairs$0.828 million$0.852 million$0.855 million Planning$4.116 million$5.030 million$5.345 million Building & Safety$3.674 million$4.754 million$5.148 million *Code Compliance$1.614 million $0 *Code Compliance no longer a separate Division. Functions reassigned to Building and Safety and Planning. Total$ million$ million$ million FTEs
4 Planning and Community Development General Fund and Building Fund: Reduction of $383,000 to the General Fund from position and organizational changes, cuts in contract services and materials and supplies. $200,000 of this General Fund savings from long range planning work that will be funded through the Building Fund (General Plan Maintenance Fee) and no longer from the General Fund. $500,000 is proposed from the Building Fund (General Plan Maintenance Fee) for FY 2015 ($200,000 for the General Plan Update and $300,000 for the long range planning work program). $400,000 in additional Contract Services are proposed from the Building Fund to supplement building permit related plan check and inspection services to respond to the increase in permit activity. The Building Fund is projected to have a surplus of approximately $2.7 million dollars at the beginning of FY This is a dramatic turnaround from the fund deficit of $2.8 million in FY Personnel: Net +2.0 FTE’s Through organizational changes, 2.0 vacant FTE’s were eliminated and replaced with 4.0 new FTE’s. Staffing resources will provide for continued long range planning work, implementing changes to the Development Review Process, and in-house plan check for smaller projects. Significant Changes From FY 2014 Budget
5 Planning and Community Development Key Work Program Components FY 2015 Long Range Work Program: Certify the General Plan EIR and adopt the Land Use and Mobility Elements. Complete Transit Oriented Development revisions. Complete code amendment for Recycling Centers. Complete the Housing Element implementation process. Complete the Lincoln Avenue Corridor Parking Study. Complete the Climate Action Plan. Updates to the Zoning Code, Specific Plans and the Design Guidelines delayed and become a multi-year effort (up to 10 years) as funding becomes available. Develop and adopt new Environmental Administrative Procedures and local CEQA Guidelines. Implement the recently adopted Public Art Master Plan FY 2015 Key Issues and Strategies
6 Planning and Community Development Key Work Program Components Development Review Process Improvements: Complete the Interdepartmental Review Team (IRT) strategic plan that identifies changes to the process. Improve customer service through an expanded use of technology (hand held devices for field positions, updating the department website etc.). Implement regular monitoring and reporting on meeting turnaround times for plan check and entitlement processing. FY 2015 Key Issues and Strategies