Industry Advisory Board June 8 th, 2012


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Presentation transcript:

Industry Advisory Board June 8 th,

 09:00AM - 10:00AM: Department Presentation  10:00AM - 12:00PM: Project Presentations Undergraduate  12:00PM - 01:00PM: Lunch & Posters Tour Undergraduate/Graduate  01:00PM - 01:40PM: Open Discussion Faculty and IAB members  01:40PM - 02:00PM: Online Survey of programs IAB members

 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)  Undergraduate curriculum  2006, 2012  Assessment based  Process  Input data  Output data   (login information: abet/Status)

 Computer Science Network Services  WebCT, Blackboard, Moodle  LMS + AMS  Student, course, and assignment management  Forums, wiki, mailing lists  Skill evaluation, project listings, course journals  Surveys, queries and charts, online file storage,  Advantages  Embed assessment in everyday teaching and learning  Automate (or at least simplify) data collection and data analysis CSNS –

Course Objectives Program Educational Objectives Student Learning Outcomes Broader skills within a few years of graduation Specific skills on completion of the program ABET

Student Learning Outcomes 1.apply concepts and techniques from computing and mathematics. 2.fluent in at least one programming language and acquaintance with at least three more. 3.strong foundation in the design, analysis, and application of algorithms. 4.fundamental understanding of computer systems. 5.analyze problems and identify their computing requirements., implement, and evaluate large software systems. 7.communicate effectively orally and in writing. 8.knowledge, skills, and attitudes for lifelong self-development. 9.analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals and society. 10.understand social, professional, ethical.. issues in computing.

1. effective professionals with communication skills, critical thinking skills, and problem solving skills. 2.successful in pursuing advanced degrees and master advanced areas of computer science. 3.adapt to a rapidly changing environment by having learned and applied new skills and new technologies. Program Educational Objectives

 BS Curriculum  General Education (with certain waivers)  CS Core  CS Electives  180 units



CS490  Review of Concepts from the core  Major Field Test (MFT)  Mini GRE subject test  Multiple choice test  External exam conducted by ETS  Normalized individual scores (120 – 200)  Average indicators

CS496ABC Projects  Corporate sponsored  Group projects  Other sponsors  Assessment 

Assessment Measures  CS 490  CS 496ABC  Other targeted courses  Surveys  Students, Alumni, Faculty, Employer, IAB

Assessment Results  MFT  CSULA & National comparison  Median student score = 57 th percentile  10% of students score > 95 th percentile  Indicators (Average scores)  Theory/Algorithms(62 nd - 38%)  Programming (58 th - 62%)  Systems (47 th - 48%)

Assessment Results  Corollary #1:  MFT:GPA correlation = 0.8

Assessment Results Corollary #2:

Assessment Results  Projects (CS496ABC)  Project Development Skills  Oral Communication Skills  Written Communication Skills

Assessment Results  Surveys from constituencies  Satisfaction (> 3.5/5)  Positive comments  Alumni: 3 Ph.D’s, 20% MS CS, 10% Certificates  Corollary  Student Surveys: 2.8/4 = 3.5/5

Graduate curriculum

Culminating Experience  Project/Thesis  Sponsored  Publications  Comprehensive Exam  3 extra courses  Exam 

Blended/Integrated program  BS + MS  5 yrs (4+1)  Up to 16 unit overlap BS MS 45  8 to10 students

 IAB Goals  Industry sponsorships  Undergraduate & Graduate projects  Student internships  Industry experts as part-time faculty  Outreach  Curricular feedback/guidance

 Questions?