Searching for Descendants of Cincinnati’s African American Civil War Soldiers
John Yates, 114 Regiment, Co. A, USCT Taylor Bowen, 100 Regiment, Co. F, CVI George Washington, 27 Regiment, Co. G, USCT Henry Clay, 72 Regiment, USCT Richard B. Gordon, 27 Regiment, Co. B, USCT George Washington, 15 Regiment, Co. D, USCT Daniel Harris Robison, US Navy
Limited starting information—all from Wesleyan Cemetery Records Name Enlistment Date Rank, Unit & Branch of Service Date of Birth and Death Descendant searches produce less results than ancestry searches Lines can “die out” Recent records are less available than older ones African American genealogy becomes more difficult with proximity to the slave era
Use of Multiple Names Daniel Harris, aka, Daniel Robison, Daniel Robinson John Yates aka known as John Maupin Following the right “George Washington” 2 George Washington’s and Henry Clay Differentiating from other individuals/families with the same name
Born c 1843 Enlisted May 3, 1864 Served in 100 th Regiment, US Colored Infantry, Company F Discharged- Dec 26, 1865 Died March 10, 1897 Buried Wesleyan Cemetery
Wife’s Name & Address Consistent Information
Bowens at 517 David St. Mary – wid. Taylor William – Carpenter Goldie - Housekeeper
William Bowen is the Father of Goldie Wife - Anna Other Children listed in 1920: Charles Chauncey Florence
Husband – Taylor Bowen Birthplace – Kentucky Buried - Union Baptist 517 David St. – Same address as the 1918 City Directory
William Bowen Born in Kentucky Father: Taylor Bowen Kentucky Mother: Mary Ware Wife: Anna Union Baptist Cemetery
William, his wife Anna, and his mother Mary are buried in the same section and lot of Union Baptist Maymuth (sic) Weymuth, one year old, also in same lot
Son of William and Anna Wife’s name is Amanda Able to find Obit Sister named Florence Two sons - Chauncey and Weymuth
Died July 18, 2005 Wife –Gladys Sons – Weymuth Jr. and Darvin Korean War Veteran
Weymuth Jr. living in Atlanta, Ga. Grew up in Cincinnati Successfully made contact by phone
George Washington and Francis Washington Lillie Washington married Alex Musgrove George Musgrove Druscilla/Ruth Musgrove
Daniel Harris Robison and Mary Robison Clarence Robison Tomas Robison
John Yates and Martha King Yates Albert E. Yates Clara P. King Yates John E. Yates
Alias Moppin
Born around 1818 Enlisted Dec 27, 1864 Served in 15 th US Colored Infantry, Company G Discharged Jan 5, 1866 Died Oct without known heirs Buried in Wesleyan Cemetery
John Yates, 114 Regiment, Co. A, USCT Taylor Bowen, 100 Regiment, Co. F, CVI George Washington, 27 Regiment, Co. G, USCT Henry Clay, 72 Regiment, USCT Richard B. Gordon, 27 Regiment, Co. B, USCT George Washington, 15 Regiment, Co. D, USCT Daniel Harris Robison, US Navy