Persuasive Writing Convince me.
Subject: important issue Form: persuasive letter Purpose: to support your position Audience: classmates, parents, teachers, librarian, principal, school board members Guidelines
Argument: a statement someone believes should be true Counterargument: expresses the opposite point of view Supporting Arguments: back up to support the statement Persuade: to convince, coax, counsel, allure, urge, prompt… Definitions
Claim: state your argument Big Names: important people / experts President Clinton thinks junk food is bad. Logos: use facts, numbers, information A snickers bar has 280 calories Pathos: get people to feel happy / angry Your donation will save this puppy’s life. Persuasive Strategies
Ethos: get people to believe / trust you Believe me! I am just like you! Kairos: convince them to act now ½ off today only! Research: use research Studies show that obesity leads to heart disease. Persuasive Strategies
Topic Sentence: state your position Body Sentences: evidence / explanation Closing Sentences: restate your position Paragraph Structure
Six Paragraphs Introduction – state position Body 1 Body 2 Body 3 Counterargument – answer the objection Conclusion – restate position Essay Structure
Position Statement Topic Sentence #1 facts / details Topic Sentence #2 facts / details Topic Sentence #3 facts / details Topic Sentence #4 (rebuttal) Facts / details Organization
Qualifiers: Make your claim more believable Some, few, others, most, many, several, often, occasionally, frequently, usually… Qualifiers
LAME reasons why Because I like it… Because everyone thinks so… Because it’s fun… Because it was there… Because I said so…
Many schools restrict students from using their cell phones during school hours. Teachers and administrators have concerns that students will use their phones dishonestly or inappropriately. Write a letter to your school principal convincing him or her that students should be allowed to use cell phones during school hours. Use facts and examples to support your position. Prompts
Recently, a school district in Pennsylvania became the first in the state to change the traditional school schedule from a five-day week to a four-day week. This change is intended to save the school district money, but it may cost parents and students money and opportunities in the long run. All of the students in your class have heard this news. Some are thrilled; however, some believe that this change will have a negative impact on learning and extracurricular activities. In a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay, state your position on this issue and then persuade your fellow classmates to join you in a call to action to either shorten your school week to four days, or to keep the five-day school week. You must provide compelling reasons for your argument, and address and rebut the counterarguments. Be sure to include facts, statistics, or any other relevant information to strengthen your view on this issue. Prompts
Based on new research suggesting that male and female students learn differently, some school boards are considering creating separate schools for boys and girls. Do you think establishing separate schools is a good idea? Write a multi-paragraph essay in which you persuade the Board of Education to agree with your position on this issue. Be sure to include specific details and examples to support your argument. Prompts