Rome’s Beginnings Chapter 8 Section 1 Pages
Vocabulary republic Apennines legion Aeneas Etruscans A form of government in which its citizens vote for its leader The mountain range that runs the length of Italy A group of 6,000 soldiers The Trojan hero of the epic the Aeneid A people that played a major role in shaping Roman civilization
The Origins of Rome Geography played an important role in the rise of Roman civilization Rome is a city located in Italy. Italy is a peninsula in the middle of the Mediterranean region. The Alps separate Italy from European lands to the north. The Apennines run all the way down Italy from north to south. The landscape is similar to Greece, but it’s mountains can be crossed much more easily. As a result, the people of Italy were not split up into small isolated communities. Italy also had better farmland so it could support a larger population.
Map of Italy Historians believe that groups of people passed through the mountains in the north between 1500 B.C. and 1000 B.C. These Latin-speaking people built the city of Rome on the plain of Latium in central Italy.
Where Was Rome Located? The site chosen for Rome was about 15 miles up the Tiber River. This gave Rome a source of water and a way to the rest of the Mediterranean Sea. At the same time, Rome was far enough from the sea to escape raids by pirates. Rome was built on seven hills. The hills were steep making it easy to defend the city from enemy attack. Rome was also built at a place where people could easily cross the Tiber River. Rome became a stopping place for travelers.
How Did Rome Begin? Romulus and Remus The tradition story of Rome’s beginning describes how twin brothers named Romulus and Remus founded the city. As babies, they were abandoned by the river, rescued by a wolf, and raised by a shepherd. In 753 B.C. they quarreled and Romulus killed Remus. Romulus became the first king and named the city after himself. The Aeneid The Aeneid, a famous epic by the Roman poet Virgil. The Aeneid is a story of the Trojan hero Aeneas and his band of followers. After many adventures they landed at the mouth of the Tiber. Aeneas married the local king’s daughter uniting the Trojans and the Latins, the local people. He thus became the “father” of Rome.
Historians aren’t sure how Rome began. They believe that Latins lived in the area as early as 1000 B.C. They built huts on the hills, tended herds, and grew crops. Between 800 and 700 B.C. they banded together for protection. It was this community that became known as Rome.
Early Influences The Greeks and the Etruscans played a major role in shaping Roman civilization. Between 750 and 500 B.C. many Greeks came to Italy and Sicily while building their colonies. From the Greeks, Romans learned to grow olives and grapes. They adopted the Greek alphabet. They modeled their architecture, sculpture, and literature after the Greeks.
The Etruscans The Etruscans were skilled metalworkers who became rich from mining and trade. They changed the city from straw-roofed huts into a city of wood and brick buildings. They laid out streets, temples, and public buildings around a central square. The Etruscan army served as a model for the mighty army the Romans would eventually assemble.
Etruscan Mural They taught Romans a new style of dress, featuring short cloaks and togas. Leapards.jpg
The Birth of a Republic The Romans created a republic and conquered Italy. By treating people fairly, they built Rome from a small city into a great power. The Etruscans ruled Rome for more than 100 years. During this time Rome became wealthy and powerful. The ruling family, called the Tarquins, grew more cruel. In 509 B.C. the Romans rebelled. They overthrew the Tarquins and set up a republic. A republic is a form of government in which the leader is not a king or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote. In a republic, the citizens have the power. The rise of the Roman Republic marked the beginning of a new chapter in Rome’s history.
Why Was Rome So Strong? Rome fought war after war against their neighbors in Italy. They defeated the Latins, the Etruscans, and the Greeks. Rome was able to conquer Italy because the Romans were excellent soldiers. In the early days of Rome, every male citizen served in the army. Discipline was harsh and this helped to mold the soldiers into fighters who did not give up easily. In addition, they were practical problem solvers.
The Roman Soldier Soldiers were organized into groups called legions. Each legion had about 6,000 men. Legions were further divided into groups of 60 to 120 soldiers. These small groups could quickly cut through enemy lines. Soldiers, or legionaries, were armed with a short sword called a gladius and a spear called a pilum. Each unit also carried its own standard-a tall pole topped with a symbol. In battle, standards helped to keep units together.
Javelin – 2 meters long, made of wood with a metal tip. Made to bend after being thrown so the enemy could not use it. Shield – made from sheets of wood glued together and covered with leather or cloth. Armor - made of iron strips joined by leather ties.
Shrewd Rulers The Romans were not only good fighters but also smart planners. They built permanent military settlements in the areas they conquered. They built roads between these towns. These roads allowed troops to travel swiftly to any place in their growing territory. The Romans created the Roman Confederation. Under this system, Romans gave full citizenship to some peoples. They could vote and serve in government, and they were treated as citizens under the law. Other people were granted the status of allies. Allies were free to run their local affairs, but had to pay taxes and provide soldiers for the army. Allies could improve their position and become citizens.
Romans proved themselves clever rulers. They knew conquered people would be more loyal to the government if they were treated well. Rome’s generosity paid off. The republic grew stronger and more unified. Rome was not afraid to use force when necessary. If conquered people revolted against Roman rule, their resistance was swiftly put down.