Dewey Decimal Classification
Dewey asked… Dewey asked questions about the kind of information that was in the world He wanted to be able to find answers to his questions in books. So he put books that are alike together under a number
Dewey’s Questions How do we organize information? Who am I? How did we get here? Who are the people in the world? How can I communicate with others?
Dewey’s Questions How can I explain the world around me? How can I control the world around me? How can I enjoy my free time? What are the stories of our lives? What was the world like in the past?
So then he answered the questions with a simple title!
Dewey’s Questions How do we organize information? Reference Who am I? Philosophy How did we get here? Religion and Mythology Who are the people in the world? World Cultures and Government How can I communicate with others? Language and grammar
Dewey’s Questions How can I explain the world around me? Science How can I control the world around me? Technology How can I enjoy my free time? Arts and Recreation What are the stories of our lives? Literature What was the world like in the past? Biography, History, Geography
Here’s some pictures to help you think about the information in each classification
Then he assigned each classification a broad number in the hundreds
Next… Dewey looked even closer at each classification
10 out of 10 Dewey took the 10 main classes and divided them into 10 more subclasses! Each subclass gets even more specific
10 out of 10 Dewey took the 10 subclasses and divided them into 10 more sub - subclasses! AND GUESS WHAT??? Each sub-subclass gets even more specific by adding DECIMAL points!
Your job You will work in your library groups Your group will be assigned 2 Dewey classes You will use pictures, illustrations, and words to describe your Dewey class You will make a Tree Map poster for each of your Dewey classes
Tools to use Pictures from the Library Fusion page Your own art work Titles from the Dewey class (go into the ones place) Markers, poster paper, scissors, glue, pencils Dewey Thinking Map Rough Draft to help you organize your thoughts and information
Time Frame You have 2 days to complete both posters for your assigned Dewey numbers.