Semester Project – Biography, Composition History, and Listening Guide By Jacob Stewart Introduction to Music 1010 Craig E. Ferrin, Ph.D.
Outline George Gershwin Biography The History Of “Rhapsody in Blue” “Rhapsody in Blue” Listening Guide Bibliography
George Gershwin Biography Jacob Gershwine (George Gershwin) September 2, 1898 Moshe Gershovitz & Rose Bruskin (Parents)
“I have a new pupil who will make his mark if anybody will. The boy is a genius!” – Charles Hambitzer
George “Song Plugger” Gershwin
Gershwin’s First Published Song - Earned Him $5
Over 2 Million Records Sold First Complete Broadway Musical
George Gershwin (left) with his brother Ira Gershwin (right)
1931 Pulitzer Prize For Dramas
Rhapsody in Blue
First large-scale piece written without piano
Works Written For Broadway
Starring Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Starring Fred Astaire & Joan Fontaine
Cedars of Lebanon Hospital (where Gershwin was admitted)
George Gershwin
George Gershwin
The History of “Rhapsody in Blue”
“It was on the train, with its steely rhythms, its rattle-ty bang, that is so often so stimulating to a composer – I frequently hear music in the very heart of the noise... And there I suddenly heard, and even saw on paper – the complete construction of the Rhapsody, from beginning to end.” -Gershwin
Hastiness Begets Greatness!
“Rhapsody in Blue” Listening Guide Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano BPiano C Theme C Recap
Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano BPiano CTheme C Recap
Piano A Theme A Theme B Piano BPiano CTheme C Coda/ Recap
Theme B Theme A Piano APiano BPiano CTheme C Coda/ Recap
Piano B Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano CTheme C Coda/ Recap
Theme C Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano BPiano C Coda/ Recap
Piano C Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano BTheme C Coda/ Recap
Coda/Recap of Theme A & B Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano BPiano CTheme C
“Rhapsody in Blue” Listening Guide Theme A Piano A Theme B Piano BPiano C Theme C Recap