Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, and Elettra Status Marco Lonza
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Sincrotrone Trieste Laboratory 2.5 GeV Booster Injector 2.5 GeV Storage Ring Elettra Storage Ring Synchrotron
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, 2011 Achieved the longest top-up period: hours with no beam dumps Last RUN (#131): uptime of 98 % (98.4% excluding downtime due to storms) machine in top-up for % of users beam time Elettra Highlights h RUN #131
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, upstream linac extension ~ 40 m long undulator hall ~100 m long experimental hall ~70 m long Free Electron Laser Sincrotrone Laboratory Sincrotrone Trieste Laboratory Elettra linac tunnel ~140 m long
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Layout Machine Layout Gun Laser-heater L0L3L2BC1BC2L4L1 Diagnostic Beam Dump 100 MeV300 MeV800 MeV1.5 GeV 180m Spreader FEL1 FEL2 Main Beam Dump To the Beamlines Dispersive Section Radiator Undulator Dispersive Section Dispersive Section Delay Line Modulator Undulator 100m Elastic and Inelastic Scattering FEL1 FEL2 I/O Mirrors & Gas Cells EIS DIPROI LDM Slits Experimental Hall Spectrometer Switching Mirror 70m Diffraction and Projection Imaging Low Density Mater LINAC: S-band photo-cathode Gun GeV linac up to 50 Hz rep. rate FEL: single-pass, seeded FEL user-facility, from 100 nm (12eV) to 4 nm (320 eV) with standard (FEL1) and double cascade (FEL2) HGHG scheme Photon Beam: high peak power (few GWs), short pulse length (100 fs), full spatial and temporal coherence, tunable wavelength, variable polarization First seeded FEL in the world designed to produce fundamental output wavelength of 4 nm with High Gain Harmonic Generation
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, FEL-1 and FEL-1 and FEL-2 Seeded FEL: more compact, narrower bandwidth, control of pulse length and of spectral parameters. Two FELs will cover different spectral regions. FEL-1: based on a single stage high gain harmonic generations scheme seeded by a UV laser will cover the spectral range from ~100 nm down to 20nm. FEL-2: in order to be able to reach the wavelength range from 20 to ~4 nm starting from a seed laser in the UV, FEL-2 will be based on a double cascade of high gain harmonic generation. The nominal layout will use a magnetic electron delay line in order to improve the FEL performance by using the fresh bunch technique. Other FEL configurations are also possible. FEL-1 FEL-2 Seed laser
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Main Beam Dump FEL1 Modulator FEL1 Radiator Experimental Hall PADReS Spreader Installations: FEL and Experimental Hall
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, FERMI Milestones Last beam from old linac to storage ring: end 2007 First electron beam by the photo-cathode gun: August 2009 Linac energy 1.2 GeV: July 2010 Beam transported to the main beam dump (Undulator Hall): October 2010 FEL-1 undulators installation: November 2010 First FEL photon beam generated: December 2010
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, …the 1 st seeded FEL output was observed at 43 nm, on 2010 December 13th. The seeded emission intensity overcomes the spontaneous emission by several orders of magnitude and completely saturates the photodiode. Spontaneous emission from 6 radiators has been measured by a photodiode at various undulator gaps. After that… multiple FEL pulses: time overlap is OK here FEL is suppressed by time delay of the seed single FEL pulse saturates the photodiode seed laser: 260 nm, 160fs, 100 MW e-beam: 200 pC, 3 ps, time- compressed six radiators tuned at the 6 th harmonic (43 nm) First Lasing with CHG
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, FEL pulses FEL intensity fluctuations; strongly related to the seed laser timing Spectrometer image In March 2011 the spectrum for all the harmonics down to ~24 nm (11th harmonic) has been measured The first experiment has been carried out in March 2011 on the Low Density Matter experimental station: measurement of photo-electrons from the level 5s of Xenon (using the fundamental) and 4d (with the third harmonic); FEL at 52 nm with both linear and circular polarization has been used Wavelength: 43.3nm Bandwidth (fwhm): meV Photon spectrum: 1pixel=2.08 meV
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Spatial seed-electron overlap Spatial overlap of the seed laser and the electron beam in the modulator has been carried out using two YAG screens E-beam and seed on SFEL01.02 YAG screen E-beam and seed on FEL01.01 YAG screen Using the seed laser steering mirror it was possible to superpose the two beams
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Real-Time Server Real-Time Data Storage Real-time Network Network Reflective Memory 50 Hz Repetition Rate Bunch Charge Loop Long. Loop 1 Long. Loop 2 Long. Loop 3 Trajectory Loop 1 Trajectory Loop 2 Trajectory Loop 3 …….. Bunch Number Real-Time Framework Control Room Charge Monitor, BPMs, Bunch Length Monitors, GUN Laser Attenuator, LLRF, Correctors, …. Equipment Controllers Controls Network
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Tango and Real-time Integration Magnet PS, BPM Detectors, CCD Cameras, … Equipment Controller Tango Server Real-time Device Driver Controls Network Real-time Network Ethernet UDP FIFO, Circ. Buffer, Shared Memory NRM Driver Kernel Space User Space Bunch Number
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Shot-to-Shot acquisition S2S measurements and acquisition Real-time time stamping with the “bunch number” Correlation between various readings and settings S2S long. bunch profile measurements S2S emittance measurements S2S beam energy measurements S2S correlation BC1 energy / FEL signal S2S generic correlator
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Vacuum pumps, valves, shutters, thermocouples, … Real-Time Network Bunch Number High speed link to data storage system Control System Data Network Workstations Ethernet Interlock PLC Analog, digital (contacts, 24V) Matlab, IDL, Igor-pro, LabView, … End-Station Control System Architecture GUIs, Synoptics, C/C++, Python, Java, … Current detectors, CCDs, other detectors Intel-based data acquisition server Real-time Ethernet, analog, … Equipment Controller (EC) VME Crate Ethernet, RS-232, analog, digital Stepper motors, piezos, HV-PSs, vacuum devices, … F.O. Digital Events Bunch Trigger Electrical or Optical 20 ps jitter EVR
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, 2011 Scientific Data Management Offline Storage Tapes Detector Real-time Acquisition CCD, current detector, counter, … Real-time interface Shot-to-shot processing Bunch Number Bunch Trigger Online Processing Memory Buffer RAM memory buffer Data reduction (selection, compression,…) and online visualization Online Storage Processing Company data storage system Grid/cloud computing, computer clusters 10Gb/s link Preliminary Requirements: We will operate one experimental station at a time Data are mainly images at 50Hz repetition rate Data acquisition rate up to ~250 MB/s Storage capacity required in 3 years: up to 1..2PB (no data reduction) Balancing between online (HD) and offline (tapes) storage
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, 2011 (*) Elettra is only partially controlled with Tango Tango Numbers ServersDevices FERMI Accelerator EndStations 3580 Elettra (*) Accelerator Beamlines 45125
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, 2011 The software configurations of FERMI and Elettra (machine) control room workstations and main servers are now aligned: ubuntu LTS tango and omniorb compiled from sources qtango mysql-5.1 (from ubuntu official repository) We are going to test mysql-5.5 on the HDB exploiting the 'horizontal partitioning' of tables based on time periods Switching to tango of a data heavy application (ex. CCD camera control and display) resulted in a 15 to 20 % improvement of speed performances Notifd daemon running on each host of the FERMI control system alarms need events for working we will use events more and more also for display panels and archiving Notes About Software
Marco Lonza – and Elettra Status Tango Meeting, May 26-27, Acknowledgements Alessandro Abrami Fabio Asnicar Luigino Battistello Roberto Borghes Valentina Chenda Stefano Cleva Marco De Marco Mauricio Dos Santos Giulio Gaio Fabio Giacuzzo Marco Lonza Alessio Igor Bogani Gesner PassosRoberto Passuello Lorenzo Pivetta Roberto Pugliese Claudio Scafuri Graziano Scalamera Giacomo Strangolino Diego Vittor Lucio Zambon Alessio Curri Georgios Kourousias Milan Prica