Transfer of Learning The influence or effect of performing or practising one skill/task on the learning of another skill/task Example?
Types of transfer: - Proactive - Retroactive - Positive - Negative - Bi-lateral - Zero Complete the task sheet to find out which types of transfer these are
T of L can be applied to skills with similar information processing requirements
Extension Question Explain, using examples, when the following types of transfer are most likely to occur: positive transfer negative transfer zero transfer.
Answers 1. Positive transfer – likely when skills have highly similar actions 2. Appropriate example e.g. tennis serve and volleyball serve, chest pass in basketball or netball 3. Negative transfer – likely when two skills are similar but not identical actions 4. Appropriate example eg playing strokes in badminton and tennis have similar actions but subtle differences (wrist action) 5. Zero transfer – likely when two skills have dissimilar movement patterns 6. Appropriate example of two completely different skills eg golf drive and front crawl
Ways of Helping Transfer Occur Make sure original task is practised and well-learned Make sure the practise situations are similar Make the performer aware when transfer between two skills is possible Give lots of feedback
Exam Question Springboard divers often train using trampolines. Explain how a coach can ensure that practising on a trampoline assists the learning of skills in diving. (3 marks)
Mark Scheme Positive Transfer Make sure original task is practised and well-learned Make sure the practise situations are similar Make the performer aware when transfer between two skills is possible Helps because it reduces danger/risk/increased safety Also saves time/allows repeated practise as don’t have to climb to top of board each time