Wellness Division CLSHS
∗ Department Philosophy ∗ We strive to provide the opportunity to engage in daily physical activity that students will enjoy for their lifetime. Welcome!
∗ Understand how to be physically active. ∗ Understand why it is important to be physically active. ∗ Understands the curriculum that provides students activities and practices, so that students want to continue to be physically active. What does a Physically Educated Student look like?
Why daily Physical Education ∗ Research shows how brain engagement and activity enhance the learning process. ∗ Improves overall well-being. ∗ Models a healthy lifestyle choice. ∗ Gives students the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities that they may not participate in outside of school. ∗ Opens them up to engage in new activities. ∗ Life long skills are promoted.
Daily Expectations ∗ Uniforms: Please make sure you have a PE uniform for class. School issued shirt and shorts. ∗ Rentals: We offer a rental service if students do not have a uniform for the day. ∗ Locks: Each student needs a lock rented through the PE Department. They need to make sure they double check to make sure locks are locked securely. ∗ Engagement: Daily participation is expected. Students earn points based on completion of activity. This may be through self-assessment, peer assessment, and/or teacher assessment. Grading rubric is attached.
∗ 20% is Summative assessment ∗ 80% is Formative assessments ∗ 20% Concept Days ∗ 20% Cardio-Vascular Days ∗ 20% Formative Assessment ∗ 20% Performance (Engagement in activity) ∗ 100% total PE grade How will my grade be calculated?
Monday: Pacer/Choice Day Tuesday: Activity Wednesday: Choice Day Thursday: Activity Friday: Activity Daily Schedules
Weekly activities may include the following: Volleyball Tennis*Not limited to these activities Badminton Soccer Flag Football Floor Hockey Softball Speedaway Ultimate Frisbee Golf Handball Danish Longball Pickleball Frisbee Golf Activities
Dist 155 Common Assessment ∗ The following tests will be completed at least 3 times during the school year. ∗ Tests include: Pacer test, Planks, Pushups, and Sit and Reach. ∗ The students will have access to their individual data. ∗ They will be using this data to set personal goals.
Communication Tools ∗ CLS Wellness Dept websites ∗ ∗ Call us at between 7am-3pm. ∗ Speak with your individual teacher regarding planning and contact time. ∗ Please contact us with any/all concerns in regards to yourself and your grade.