What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? By Gemma Stanley
Harris Publications Having researched into XXL magazine previously, knowing that they distribute this product, It would be ideal if they distribute mine also. The benefits I would gain from having this institution distribute my product would be that they are under control of publication and distribution for at least 10 other magazines which are all of corresponding genre with my production. This institution will have a great deal of knowledge on the genre, and how it can be effectively marketed to my target audience, creating the best possible success. Harris also distribute a magazine called Scratch, a DJ magazine, which integrates into my genre of magazine and ties in with my contents page features in my magazine and final products. They are also one of the largest distributers of music magazines in the US, selling over 285,000 copies of their magazines every month, and have a lot of money for production. Their basis being in the US also means that my production could have the opportunity to publish on a larger scale. This capability to fund magazines, is a reason why they could be capable and willing to distribute my product.
IPC publishing company is also a very popular magazine publishing company which could also distribute my magazine. The company is owned by time warner. They publish many magazines that are similar to mine such as ‘NME’ which is hugely successful with a target audience like mine of young adults. It would boost the chances of success massively if IPC published my magazine as their knowledge would help getting my magazine know. It also a possibility that members of their fan base may also buy my magazine purely because they know the success of IPC. Time warner also own channels such as cartoon network and also have stakes in MTV which is mainly targeted at a teenage audience which is a major advantage as it can target them to seeing my magazine.
Bauer Media Bauer media are a well-known privately owned publishing group which have over 300 products to their name including TV stations, radios and other online products. Bauer are famous for publishing Q and Kerrang magazine which also have music with a similar target audience to mine (being young adults) but mainly a much different genre. Bauer also circulate over 38 million magazines a week which have a vast amount of benefits towards publishing my magazine. It may be more likely for them to publish my magazine since it is a genre they do not supply already, like their existing rock genre of Kerrang, which is why it may be more beneficial to approach this institution, rather than institutions that stock and distribute products like mine already.
My magazine is mainly targeted at teens between and based around a rap/hip hop genre theme. I would like my magazine to be mainly published and distributed by companies such as Bauer, IPC and Harris publication. Many institutions may be suitable, but the most similar and therefore more chance worthy could be Harris Publications, founded in 1993 it is the USA’s top rap/hip hop magazine. This could be advantageous as I would like my magazine to reach a large scale and wide audience similar to XXL. Like BAUER AND IPC, Harris publications are a major conglomerate and have the financial benefits to distribute my magazine through horizontal and vertical integration. Using vertical and horizontal integration is crucial to distribute magazines. The term integration means the joining to make something work, and there are two examples integration; vertical and horizontal: horizontal integration is when a company e.g. Harris owns multiple companies of the same structure including TV, radio, magazines and newspapers. Also Bauer own many other businesses including comics and television this is a boundless enhancement for my magazine as it can aid popularity through TV channels my target audience watch and also parallel websites to reach a wider target audience. Vertical integration is when the publishing company own different companies in the same selling genre e.g. the sun owns multiple newspapers and magazines within the business. This is worthy for my magazine as it can distribute it cheaply and in bulk as they already own the business within. Synergy could come into play when distributing my magazine. Synergy in media distribution means sale of products through other media conglomerates. In other words companies such as Harris may put my magazines in different businesses such as music labels which can increase sales of my magazines through this technique. Further more the company can make agreements with major companies such as costa, universities or even cinemas which my target audiences may be found, which gives the magazine another distribution area. They can also use social media and the internet which is a multi platform approach which can help market my title through Facebook and also twitter which teenagers normally use on a daily bases. Social networking sites are also very important in distributing my magazine. Sites such as Facebook twitter and tumblr can be targeted and advertised on the pages of year who are interested in rap/hip hop and advertised on these pages. Links and hyperlinks could be used on the pages where teenagers can click open these advertising images with the use of images and colours to attract them to our page. I could also use free trials or free editions for my magazine to be sent to those who are interested and get a sneak peak on what is to come. Retail psychology could also be a selling factor,retailers and shops such as HMV, Asda’s, WHSmiths and other major supermarkets can use boards of my magazine to attract the customers. Another important feature is I could ask these retailers to use eye line marketing. This is putting my magazine on the line of the customer’s eyes level so they can see my magazine and become attracted as they see it constantly which is very important. To conclude I think Harris Publications should distribute my magazine, due to a similar genre and target audience, it could stand out from the rest though, as the house style isn't the same. This means I’m differentiated from the magazines they already distribute.