Workshop 1 Vocabulary Workshop 2 Vocabulary
Contagious Spreadable by touch or through the air Name some things that are contagious. Sneezing lesson! Sneezing lesson! Sneezing lesson!
Epidemic The rapid spread of a diease among many people Sick patients are kept in a separate room so the epidemic _________. Swine flu! Swine flu! Swine flu!
Impact An effect or result ___________ made a huge impact on my life. Oil spill impact Oil spill impact Oil spill impact on wildlife. on wildlife.
Internal Inside something, like your body An example of an internal organ is ______________. Name an internal part of a car.
Resistance The ability to fight off or overcome something I can build resistance to a cold by __________________. If you have resistance to a disease, can you catch it? Get a flu shot! Get a flu shot! Get a flu shot!
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