Development of Your Child’s Skills in Learning Jane Tees Principal Teacher
EarlyThe pre-school years and P1, or later for some First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some SecondTo the end of P7, but earlier or later for some Third and FourthS1 to S3, but earlier for some
For every level of the curriculum the teachers use the experiences and outcomes to plan learning within their class. This can be done through topics as well as individual subjects. e.g. Within Numeracy Early level has 14 E+Os First level has 27 E+Os Second level has 35 E+Os
I can share out a group of items by making smaller groups and can split a whole object into smaller parts. *Responsibility of all MNU 0-07a Having explored fractions by taking part in practical activities, I can show my understanding of: how a single item can be shared equally the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions where simple fractions lie on the number line. *Responsibility of all MNU 1-07a I have investigated the everyday contexts in which simple fractions, percentages or decimal fractions are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. *Responsibility of all MNU 2-07a I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for real-life situations. *Responsibility of all More info on MNU 3-07a I can choose the most appropriate form of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages to use when making calculations mentally, in written form or using technology, then use my solutions to make comparisons, decisions and choices. *Responsibility of all More info on MNU 4-07a
For every Experience and Outcome the skills needed to meet the E+O has been divided into a progression of skills Teachers use these skills to make an informed decision through pupil work to decide wither pupils are developing, consolidating or secure.
I can share out a group of items by making smaller groups and can split a whole object into smaller parts. *Responsibility of all MNU 0-07a Having explored fractions by taking part in practical activities, I can show my understanding of: how a single item can be shared equally the notation and vocabulary associated with fractions where simple fractions lie on the number line. *Responsibility of all MNU 1-07a I have investigated the everyday contexts in which simple fractions, percentages or decimal fractions are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. *Responsibility of all MNU 2-07a I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for real-life situations. *Responsibility of all More info on MNU 3-07a I can choose the most appropriate form of fractions, decimal fractions and percentages to use when making calculations mentally, in written form or using technology, then use my solutions to make comparisons, decisions and choices. *Responsibility of all More info on MNU 4-07a
Termly Tracking meetings- Class Teachers and Principal Teacher/Depute Heads identify which level pupil is on and which part of the cycle i.e. Developing, Consolidating or Secure discuss individual progress- MA, NEET, EAL make any decisions about groupings record findings and any action points copy for CT and DHT
Termly Tracking meetings- Class Teachers and Principal Teacher/Depute Heads Standardised Test results P3, P5, P7 scrutinise results (I, 0 -) drill down to find patterns planning information is shared with other stages to inform planning
Termly STINT meetings- Class Teachers and Principal Teacher/Depute Heads each pupil with a STINT form is discussed review targets decide on next steps new format for meetings
EarlyThe pre-school years and P1, or later for some First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some SecondTo the end of P7, but earlier or later for some Third and FourthS1 to S3, but earlier for some
has started to engage in the work of the new level; and is beginning to make progress in an increasing number of outcomes across the breadth of learning described in the experiences and outcomes for the level.
has achieved a breadth of learning across many of the experiences and outcomes for the level can apply what he/she has learned in familiar situations; and is beginning to undertake more challenging learning and to apply learning in unfamiliar contexts.
has achieved a breadth of learning across almost all of the experiences and outcomes for the level, including any significant aspects of the curriculum area has responded consistently well to the level of challenge set out in these experiences and outcomes has moved forward to more challenging learning in some aspects; and has applied what he/she has learned in new and unfamiliar situations.
So what does this mean for reporting to parents ? Pupils will be developing for a short period of time Pupils will be consolidating for the longest time e.g. this may mean that pupils could be second consolidating in P5 and still be second consolidating in P6 Pupils will be secure for a short period time
Pupils will be consolidating for the longest time e.g. this may mean that pupils first consolidating in P5 and still be first consolidating in P6 Pupils will be progressing through the Experiences and Outcomes Pupils will be progressing through the skills linked to the E+Os and applying them in a variety of contexts Teachers will be using school assessments to ensure progression and depth of learning taking place e.g. the new assessment record, check-ups, comprehension papers example test questions linked to the standardised tests Tracking meetings will be termly to discuss individual pupils learning in literacy and numeracy