Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 1 Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management ©2008 Thomson/South-Western.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 1 Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management ©2008 Thomson/South-Western

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 2 Lesson 8.1 Electronic Technology Fundamentals Describe the basic elements of computers. Describe how the Internet provides information to users.

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 3 Information Data — original facts and figures that business generate Information — data that have been processed in some meaningful way that is useful to decision makers Knowledge workers — people who work with information

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 4 Computer Technology Types of computers – Mainframe – Personal computer – Personal digital assistant (PDA) Types of software – Operating system – Application software Moore’s Law — amount of data a computer chip can process doubles about every 18 months

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 5 Basic Computer Elements Input Devices Central Processing Unit Output Devices Keyboard Mouse Scanner Voice Recognition System Digital Camera Memory and Processing Memory and Processing Monitor Storage: Floppy, CD/DVD, USB Flash Drive Storage: Floppy, CD/DVD, USB Flash Drive Hard Drive Printer

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 6 The Internet Internet — worldwide network of linked computers that allows users to transfer data from one computer to another World Wide Web — access tool for the Internet; usually synonymous with Internet Hyperlink — Web page address embedded in a word, phrase, or graphic that, when clicked, transports users to that address

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 7 Using the Internet Modem Internet Service Provider (ISP) — service that provides access to the Internet, usually for a fee Browser — program that allows you to navigate and view Web pages Search engine — program that assists in locating information on the Internet

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 8 Lesson 8.2 Managing Technology Goals Describe the basic technology infrastructure used by businesses. Describe the information systems that managers use to aid in their decision making.

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 9 Distributing Information Local area network (LAN) — serves users in a single building or building complex Wide area network (WAN) — serves a wide geographic area Intranet — allows employees to share resources Extranet — allows company to share certain information with selected people outside the company Firewall — screens users who enter and/or exit a network

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 10 Lesson 8.3 The Effects of Technology on Work and Workers Goals Discuss types of problems that employees face in today’s high-technology organizations. Describe technology’s present and future impact on businesses.

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 11 Information Systems Information system — computer system that processes data into meaningful information Management information system (MIS) Decision support system (DSS) Executive information system (EIS)

Chapter 8 Technology and Information Management 12 The Effects of Technology Health problems – Ergonomics — science of adapting equipment to the work and health needs of people Changed jobs New job market