I still love Barney! Bieber Fever Want: 1D night lamp for Christmas Trivia Crack is taking over my LIFE! Live, Life, APUSH!
-Name the famous political group that controlled NYC in the late 1800’s? Row Question
-Tweed Ring Row Answer
-Name the political cartoonist who exposed the corruption of the New York government to the public? Row Question
-Thomas Nast Row Answer
--This term describes when a political party dominates an area and the other party offers little competition. Row Question
-political machine Row Answer
-Which President was assassinated by a disgruntled office seeker? Row Question
-James Garfield Row Answer
-Name the federal law which replaced the spoils system with a system of examinations to determine job placement? Row Question
-Pendelton Act Row Answer
This term refers to the immigrants after 1890, who were coming from parts of Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America? Row Question
-New Immigration Row Answer
-Name the battle where G.A. Custer and all his men were killed by a large Indian force? Row Question
-Little Bighorn Row Answer
Row Question -Name the poorly built and over crowded apartment buildings where many of the urban immigrants and poor lived?
-tenements Row Answer
Row Question -Name the book which tried to raise awareness of the plight of Indians?
-Century of Dishonor Row Answer
-This law, passed in 1882, actually forbids the future immigration of a certain group of people? Row Question
-Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882 Row Answer
-Name the law which tried to create 160 acre Indian homesteads out of the reservation land? Row Question
-Dawes Act Row Answer
-This is the idea that people should be willing to help those less fortunate than themselves? Row Question
-Social Gospel Row Answer
-This writer and photographer tried to raise the awareness of the public about the conditions of the poor? Row Question
-Jacob Riis Row Answer
-Name of Jacob Riis’ influential book? Row Question
-How the Other Half Lives Row Answer
-She was a social reformer who established a home to help the poor and recent immigrants? Row Question
-Jane Addams Row Answer
-This government agency was formed after the Granger laws were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? Row Question
-ICC Interstate Commerce Commission Row Answer
-This group began to intimidate former slaves and deny them their rights? Row Question
-KKK Row Answer
-These are the laws which officially began to segregate southern society? Row Question
-Jim Crow Laws Row Answer
-Name the agreement that was reached in order to prevent another possible secession or civil war? Row Question
-Compromise of 1877 Row Answer
-This was the last battle of the Indian wars as a couple hundred Sioux were killed by the Army? Row Question
-Wounded Knee Row Answer
-Name the political party led byAlexander Hamilton? Row Question
-Federalists Row Answer
-The Granger Laws of the mid- west were aimed at regulating what group? Row Question
-Railroads Row Answer
-Name the case which led to the Supreme Court having greater power? (The Power of Judicial Review) Row Question
-Marbury v Madison Row Answer
-This Presidential policy informed Europe that we would not tolerate interference in this hemisphere? Row Question
-Monroe Doctrine Row Answer
- This is the term which refers to the general rising of prices? Row Question
-Inflation Row Answer