Wavertree Community Team Michele Duckworth May 2009 Confidential
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Banking on brighter futures Banking on brighter futures is our flagship community programme and allows us to use our financial skills and expertise to maximum effect to help people work towards financial independence and security. We're clear that by aligning our community investment to our core business, we can make the maximum positive impact. We're focusing our efforts on financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, education and helping people into employment. For Barclaycard, our key banking on brighter futures programme is Horizons Looking after local communities Community Gifts is part of Barclaycard’s commitment to support the communities where our employees live and work. It allows Barclaycard to donate money to the right organisations and projects that are delivering real and lasting benefit locally. The campaigns have enabled Barclaycard to donate over £1.2 million to more than 300 different organisations and support nearly 42,000 beneficiaries in local communities around our key sites. Charity begins at work We want to make it as easy as possible for our employees to get involved in fundraising, volunteering and giving. It’s their choice who, when and how to help – Barclaycard simply offer our support where we can.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Facts and Figures In 2008, Barclays invested £52.2m in community projects around the world and supported more than 57,000 colleagues in 31 countries to get involved with community activities. Within Barclaycard over 4,000 colleagues were supported through fundraising and volunteering, this is around 50% of colleagues. £1,537, was raised including £ for £ matched fundraising. Over 32,300 hours of work were volunteered in community projects around our key sites. Barclaycard colleagues have many skills which they can use in the community through volunteering. These can range from presentation, communication organising and planning.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Horizons Horizons is supported by Barclaycard and it brings together three expert partners specifically to help one parent families: Citizens Advice Bureau Family Action (formerly the Family Welfare Association) Gingerbread By working together the programme helps to ‘Build a brighter future for one parent families’ by giving support and advice on money matters, providing grants towards training and education costs and helping lone parents to get back to work. Through this programme 100,000 lone parents and their children have already been helped. For more information on this project visit
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Community Gifts Barclaycard is delighted to be working together again with radio city 96.7, magic 1548, city talk and their registered charity cash for kids via the Community gifts campaign to give away £30,000 to charities supporting children in Liverpool and the surrounding area. Tune in to the stations for more details of the campaign or go onto their websites for more details. The community gifts partnership with Radio city has been on air for a couple of weeks now and closes on Friday 5th June.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Who are the Community Team: Michele Duckworth – Chairperson Stan Cottier – Treasurer Pam Reilly – Secretary Toni Speare – External Communications Maria Murray – Internal Communications Heather Tomlinson – Creative Laura Stinchcomb – Internet Celia Laird Laura Sinclair 00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy
Wavertree Community Team What does the Community Team do? We help drive forward the Community Agenda within Wavertree and work as part of the Barclaycard Community Programme.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team How can we help charities and organisations? There are various ways: £ for £’s Dress Down Days Volunteering/In The Moment EV Groups Donations
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team £ for £: This is basically match funding. A Barclaycard colleague attends a charity/fundraising event where they have a particular responsibility to oversee something like a raffle which is being held and drawn on the night; a tombola or even an auction. The total amount that they receive during this event can potentially be matched £ for £ by Barclaycard, up to an amount of £750. Colleagues can do up to three £ for £’s in any one year. Up to four colleagues can attend the same event and complete a £ for £. So in reality, a charity/organisation has the potential of receiving £3,000 (subject to confirmation and approval).
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Dress Down Days: Once a month there is a “Dress Down Day” in Wavertree. Colleagues can swap their usual business attire for smart casuals. In return, instead of asking colleagues to pay a £1, we ask for a specific donation, depending on the charity that we are supporting that month. Recent donations have ranged from cans of soup, craft equipment and toiletries.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Volunteering/In The Moment: Within a contact centre environment, it is not always easy to let colleagues have time out of the operation. However, Barclaycard can approve for a colleague to annually have up to two full days to help with various charity activities, without any adverse effects to the level of service we deliver to our customers. This can be off site for example, painting a youth centre or planting a garden. We can also manage “in house” events. This scheme is called ‘In The Moment’. An example of this is putting charity newsletters into envelopes. Taking this work away from the charity in question allows them to prioritise more important work and put their funds to more beneficial use. When times are quiet, colleagues are allowed to work offline, completing these tasks without affecting the customer experience. They are readily available to get back into operations quickly, without any negative impact to our customers.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team EV Groups: EV stands for Employee Volunteering. A team of five or more colleagues get together and form a group, with the aim of taking ownership of a particular initiative. One of the members may nominate a particular project close to themselves or offer their services generally. Once the project has been accepted, the team can apply for a £500 grant. This is used to buy materials to complete the project. Examples of previous EV Groups include painting kennels, making over children's bedrooms and creating a wildlife pond.
00Department – presentation title – dd.mm.yyyy Wavertree Community Team Donations: Colleagues regularly donate unwanted clothes, bedding, toys etc. We collect the items and then take directly to an appropriate local charity where they are very much welcomed and put to good use.