EDC Work Plan Summary Performance Table – DRAFT/M ay16 Providing national leadership to shape and improve Healthcare for ALL Provides a national steer and enables levers for system change
3 ThemesKey Goals and objectives RAG per current Quarter (tick) Action RAG Change (E.g. see below) Inclusive workplaces 1. Creating inclusive workplaces through; Delivery of a successful culture change programme co-produced with staff and patients Red * Amber ** Similar Inclusive workplaces 2. Reducing bullying by; Improving practice tools through publication of a best practice report Amber* Green Better Implementation of a national campaign to understand and act on data Amber* Red Worse Workforce equality 3. Eliminating discriminatory practice by; Improving workforce race equality through successful implementation of the WRES (with increased numbers of NHS BME leaders) Amber Similar Developing workforce equality standards across protected groups Increase employment opportunities and the employment of people with learning disabilities in the NHS (with increased numbers of PLDs in NHS employment)
Workforce equality 4. Improving organisation performance on equality through; Improving use and impact of EDS2 Improving the monitoring of experience and outcomes across protected groups Developing information standards Inclusive healthcare 5. Improving access and outcomes particularly for protected and disadvantaged groups Work with people with lived experience to co- produce a ‘quick wins’ programme leading to a national programme roll out Strengthening workforce and organisational capability to understand, complete and act on equality impact assessments
A Multidimensional Framework For Patient And Family Engagement In Health And Health Care. Kristin L. Carman et al. Health Aff 2013;32: ©2013 by Project HOPE - The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Patient and public partnerships Has three strands: Empowerment and voice through patient and community leadership events* Social action to improve services across systems** Social responsibility through NED ownership of improving system sustainability***
Cabinet Office, Office for Civil Society & Innovation / Heath, Care and Ageing Team The Cabinet Office (CO) is keen to work with us to spread and sustain volunteering practice. Early evaluation messages are: You need to work from the inside out to get ownership of such programmes The kings volunteering initiative highlighted the need for Trust leadership, volunteer support and valuing their input as a mobile workforce. Need an internal steer on how development of the next volunteering programme tranche from April 2016 can be developed to sustain social action in the NHS and alleviate system pressures. Involving people in system transformation is key Growing a parallel evidence base for volunteering in MH is important as only non-mental health service sites covered in the last tranche.
Cabinet Office, Office for Civil Society & Innovation / Heath, Care and Ageing Team Future NHSC facilitated a roundtable for CO where a high level discussion about the benefits of social action was held. NHSC members saw the need for future support in this area. When talking about place based care, this may mean different things to people in the room. CO are keen for people/volunteers to be supported possibly as part of a more mobile workforce (i.e. choosing to volunteer near their pace of work as opposed to where they live). CO particularly want assistance from NHSC to help leaders develop volunteering in hospitals and across the wider system. We are helping to shaping this approach (with members leveraging funding against any central money secured). Funding streams that incentivise work across STPs and new models of care would be sensible.