Classify: to sort into groups
Students will classify organisms into groups and relate how they determined the groups with how and why scientists use classification. a. Demonstrate how animals are sorted into groups (vertebrate and invertebrate) and how vertebrates are sorted into groups (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, and mammal)
Vertebrates- animals that have backbones Invertebrates- animals that do not have backbones
VERTEBRATESINVERTEBRATES People Dogs Cats Cows Snakes Frogs Birds Fish Worms Snails Sponges Octopi Insects Spiders
Vertebrates all have backbones. This group is divided into 5 smaller groups Mammals Birds Fish Reptiles Amphibians
You and other humans are in the mammal group. Almost all mammals give live birth to their babies instead of laying eggs. Mammals are warm blooded which means that their bodies produce heat. They can survive in very cold weather. Mammals have fur or hair that helps them stay warm.
Birds have lightweight, hollow wings and most can fly. Some birds cannot fly (ostriches, penguins). All birds lay eggs and are covered with feathers. Birds are warm blooded so that they can survive in cold weather.
Fish live in water and breathe through gills. Instead of fur, hair, or feathers, fish have scales to protect their bodies. Most fish lay eggs but some give birth to live babies. Fish are cold blooded (their bodies are the same temperature as their surroundings). When water is very cold, fish move slowly to save their energy.
Reptiles such as snakes, lizards, and turtles live on land and breathe through lungs. They are covered with scales (like fish). Most reptiles lay eggs. Reptiles are cold blooded. Reptiles usually live in warm climates.
Examples: frogs, toads, and salamanders. Amphibians live in the water when they are young and breathe with gills. As they become adults, they begin to spend more time on the land. (tadpole to frog) Most amphibians lay their eggs in the water. All amphibians are cold blooded.
a) Shark b) Squid c) Dolphin d) Whale
a) A snake is an amphibian. b) An alligator is a reptile. c) An ostrich is a bird d) A deer is a mammal.
a) A penguin b) A polar bear c) An eagle d) A salmon
a) Their names b) Their roles as prey or predator c) Their physical characteristics d) What they usually eat